Coloured text in a scrolling textarea

I have a textarea in which my app writes logging messages. I’d like to be able to colour the odd message in a highlight colour. Playing around with styled text, I can write a line of red text but only the most recent message gets the highlight. My logging method is:

Sub logger (strtext as String, colour as Color)

Var  len As Integer

// logst is a StyledText property of the window

len = logst.Text.Length
logst.Text = logst.Text + strtext + EndOfLine
logst.TextColor (len, strtext.Length) = colour
TextArea1.StyledText = logst

end sub

It looks like modifying the text content of the StyledText removes all existing style information. Is there a real way to do this?

Create a StyleRun for the text to be added and use Styledtext.AddStyleRun?


Untested, but you could work directly on the textarea itself.

TextArea1.SelectionStart = TextArea1.Text.Length   // selection is at end of text
TextArea1.SelectedText = strtext + EndOfLine
TextArea1.SelectionTextColor = colour

that is without style so you overwrite it there.

This works - thanks. :grinning:

TextArea1.SelectionTextColor = colour
TextArea1.SelectionStart     = TextArea1.Text.Length   // selection is at end of text
TextArea1.SelectionLength    = strtext.Length
TextArea1.AddText (strtext + EndOfLine)

Seems to work in the beginning, but after another line of text by code, the formatting disappears again.

This works