[quote=303552:@Will Shank]Here’s some rough code that may help. First it works on building a mask to draw the inside color. Starting with a solid white picture the text is drawn in solid black. Then a map is applied to get rid of the anti-aliased frill so only the deepest, solid text pixels are left. Then the outside is flood-filled with a specific grey value. Now you have grey on the outside, black text, and white inside the text. A final map is applied that makes that outside grey into white and everything else solid black. This is the final mask. Fill a picture with your color of choice and apply that mask. Draw the colored/masked picture to your destination and draw the regular text over it.
[code] Sub Action()
//draw text solid black
dim p As new picture(300, 200, 32)
p.Graphics.TextFont = “Arial”
p.Graphics.TextSize = 40
p.Graphics.ForeColor = &c000000
p.Graphics.DrawString “ApplaumB”, 20, 100
//cut out anti-aliased pixels
dim map(255) As integer
map(0) = 0
for i As integer = 1 to 255
map(i) = 255
p.RGBSurface.Transform( map )
//fill outside in grey
p.RGBSurface.FloodFill(0, 0, &c808080)
//map that outside grey to white and everything else black
dim map2(255) As integer
map2(128) = 255
p.RGBSurface.Transform( map2 )
//create new picture filled with the Inner Color and apply mask
dim p2 As new Picture(300, 200, 32)
p2.Graphics.ForeColor = &cDDAA44
p2.Graphics.FillRect 0, 0, p2.Width, p2.Height
p2.ApplyMask( p )
//with properly masked color pic can draw final result
dim p3 As new Picture(300, 200)
p3.Graphics.DrawPicture p2, 0, 0
p3.Graphics.TextFont = “Arial”
p3.Graphics.TextSize = 40
p3.Graphics.ForeColor = &c000000
p3.Graphics.DrawString “ApplaumB”, 20, 100
//show it in a Canvas
Canvas1.Backdrop = p3
End Sub
thank you very much Will.