code signing package for MAS

I code signed my app for the MAS with App wrapper mini. My certificates (Developer ID and MAS) were both verified by App wrapper mini. App wrapper mini created the .pkg, which I sent to myself via email, and tried to open, only to see the “can’t be opened, unverified developer”-message. Also testing the package via “codesign -d -vvvv” results in “code object is not signed at all”. The app itself appears to be signed properly though.

Is this to be expected (because the people at Apple will put the receipt into the package), or should I be able to test my package this way?

The .pkg file for my last update sent to Apple also says “code object is not signed at all” but I could submit it using Application Loader and now it’s hanin’ around in the app store waiting to be bought :wink:

If your app is codesigned and you can submit the .pkg file with Application Loader I think all is OK, at least it was for me.

“created the .pkg, which I sent to myself via email, and tried to open,”

That’s not how you are supposed to test MAS pkg files. Check the documentation.

Hi Michael,

what documentation are you thinking of?

[quote=74722:@Maximilian Tyrtania]Hi Michael,
what documentation are you thinking of?[/quote]
Mac dev library?

Ah, thanks. Looks like my package passed the test.

The test “proof in the pudding” is extremely simple : upload the package to the MAS. If it gets approved, you pass :wink: