Closing Shell app under windows

I execute a console application from my main application using a shell execution and all works fine.
But when I close the main application, the console app keeps running and won’t be killed. Not even when I close the shell manually with shell.close.

This issue is related to windows only. Under OSX all works fine.

So my question is how can I close the running console app that was started using a shell execution under windows?

Thank you.

Nobody ?

I’ve the same issue.

Only idea is to get the process PID and kill it with “taskill /pid PID /F” command line tool on windows.

Shell.Execute("taskkill /pid " + str(PID) + " /F")

Killing shell pid will not work, you should find the console app PID, it is different from Shell.PID.

Perhaps there is a better way, but I didn’t find it yet.

I connect the 2 (or more) apps together with an IPC Socket. When closing the main app I send quit commands to the console app so it can close in a safe manor.

When I run a remote shell from a windows platform to a linux platform.

I run following commands:

  Shell.WriteLine(chr(3))    // Close shell on remote linux platform
  Shell.Close // Close shell on  local host (Windows Platform)

That’s odd. A year ago or two, I’m sure I was still able to kill a Shell, even in Windows, by calling the Shell’s Close method.

It’s could be a bug. I’m still using rs2012R2.1. Xojo I find to painful to work with. But I sometimes had issues when a made a remote shell connection to a linux platform from Windows, and only used shell.close the shell was still open seen with “Process Explorer” (

Could you give my Mandelbrot demo a try on Windows? It should handle quitting the sub processes, or at least I believe it once did.

Works fine under rs2012R2.1

I believe there is a huge bug in 2013R3 concerning the IPC sockets under Windows (7).

Can anyone get the “IPCSocketsExample” project from the Xojo Example Projects/Communication/Internet to work under Windows?

The example project works fine under OSX, but under windows there is no communication between the two clients.

I’ve tied it on two different Windows machines, but no luck at all.

Can anyone confirm.


[quote=37518:@Andre V.]I believe there is a huge bug in 2013R3 concerning the IPC sockets under Windows (7).

Can anyone get the “IPCSocketsExample” project from the Xojo Example Projects/Communication/Internet to work under Windows?

The example project works fine under OSX, but under windows there is no communication between the two clients.

I’ve tied it on two different Windows machines, but no luck at all.

Can anyone confirm.


Have you confirmed that no Virus checker is blocking the application.

Okay, I got it all fixed now.
The only bug was me :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone.

I’m also having trouble - the Close method on an asychronous shell is not working. I even try to kill the thread that it’s running on but that doesn’t even close the Shell. Anyone else having this problem?