Testing out the ClickaTell API but is unable to get pass the “POST” section.
[code]Dim FromTel, Totel as string
FromTel = fldFromTelNum.text // Use your Twilio-assigned phone number here
ToTel = fldToTelNum.text // A phone number to send the test message to
I certainly don’t have any issues posting to clickatell using their HTTP API? I have been using them in a desktop app for 7+ years. I do note the different syntax of the HTTP SOCKET in your code.
[code]dim wholeline, messagetxt, result as string
messagetxt=ReplaceAllB(txtFld.text," “,”%20") 'spaces replaced
This line adds the extra bits to give the message a reference of username, datetime and random number but a UUID or similar would work that I can later check to confirm it has been received which you may not require, the whole line is URL_Encoded as you would expect.
The line may look slightly different now as they have changed their API a little in the last couple of years so check the documentation at the bottom. The above works for me today but you may have a different type of account.
Try a line in a web browser with your username and api details, a number and message to yourself by text and see if it works.