I have a strange question here. Does anyone remember a game that was written in REALbasic for Mac Classic many years ago? It was like leap frog in the format of those little triangle peg boards you find in some restaurants. Try to get it down to one frog.
I would love to find a copy of that, but I bet it is long gone.
I’m not sure what is the “leap frog” game (Google didn’t reveal me something familiar), but I remember a game, named “Zotz” and written in RB.
You had a grid of cards of either 3 or 4 rows and columns. Each card was a combination of properties (shape {round, losange, square}, colour {green, blue, red}, count of shapes {1, 2, 3} and pattern {empty, mid-full, full}). You had to select 3 cards whose properties where either all equal or all different (e.g. a card with 3 full blue rounds, another with 3 empty blue squares, and a third with 3 mid-full blue losanges (always 3 shapes and blue ones, never the same shape and filling)). Once selected and valid, the 3 cards would disappear and 3 new ones replace them, until all cards were passed (all possible cards were in the “deck”, shuffled).
Could it be this?
(hoping I’ve summarised it correctly; harder for a non-english speaker).
Thats not it, but it sounds fun too. The one i remember had a series of frogs with one open space. As you leap a frog into the space, that frog disappears until, hopefully, you only have one frog left.