Class of binary tree

Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a class to manage a binary tree. I fill in the tree letter by letter for each word.
If anyone could help me I would be very grateful.
One of the problems is knowing when to remove the letter that has been added to the tree: Word = Right( Word, Len(Word) - 1 )

Tree(Head as Node, Current As Node)
Node(fLeft As Node, fRight As Node, Char As String, Full As Boolean)

Insertion( Word As String )
if Word = “$” Then // End of Word.
Full = True
end if

Charac = Mid( Word, 1, 1 )
if Charac < Char Then
if fLeft = Nil Then
fLeft = New Node( Charac )// We add the character to the left.
fLeft.INSERTION( Word )
end if
if fRight = Nil Then
fRight = New Node( Charac ) // We add the character to the right.
fRight.INSERTION( Word )
end if
end if

Word = Right( Word, Len(Word) - 1 )

Call for all of the words
Current = Head
Current.INSERTION( Word )


Your recursion should take a single character and insert it in the tree, nothing else. Take the word apart in your main code loop and call Insertion on each character. Your line of code using Right looks correct, it’s just in the wrong place.

You can also use

dim chars() as string
chars =  split(word, "")
for i = 0 to ubound(chars)

Hello Tim,
Once again thank you very much; you had already helped me a lot with my previous problem but as we cannot transmit a class by parametersit was too heavy in memory I think by going through intermediate variables.
OK Il will use your method, I was trying to make a full recursive function.
I had one last question regarding the search for a word in the tree, I don’t see where is the problem.

type or paste code hereSEARCH( Word As String, Posit As Integer) Boolean
if Len(Word) < Posit Then
if Char = EndofWord Then // EndofWord = “$”
Return True // The word exists
Return False // The word does not exist.
end if
if Char < Mid(Word, Posit, 1) Then
Return fLeft.SEARCH( Word, Posit )
if Char = UpperCase( Mid(Word, Posit, 1) ) Then
Return fRight.SEARCH( Word, Posit+1 )
Return False
end if
end if
end if

Call :
PushButton : if Dico.SEARCH( Word ) Then MsgBox(“Found !”) else MsgBox(“Not found !”)
Call Tree : Current = Head
Return Current.SEARCH( Word, 1 )

I am sorry, I have tried 2 different types of quotes for code but I no longer know how to delimit the code and how to modify the text.

The simplest way is to use three backticks on their own lines before and after the block of code.

` ` ` // Like that, but without spaces
` ` `

You can edit your post to try it.

Select the section which is code, and then click on the </> button.

It’s not. You’re only passing the reference, not a copy of the class.

And you’re still trying to do too much in the recursive function. For each one, insertion and search, you need 2 functions. One that is called from outside the class and sets up what is needed for recursion (hiding the details from outside) and a recursive one that does the work. You’re trying to do the “set up” inside the recursive function, which is making everything more difficult.

Tim and Kem, thank you but I don’t see how we can edit the code after sending the message.
To summarize my problems.
Coming from another language, I translated a word game program into RealBasic.
My first problem with recursion is the following, here is the original code of calling a function to fill a tree with words:
FILL_TREE( Tree.Left, Word, Position + 1 )
I get an error saying you can’t pass an expression as a parmeter defined by reference (ByRef)
So I used an intermediate variable :
Temp = Tree.Left
FILL_TREE( Temp, Word, Position + 1 )
And there it works but as it takes 144 seconds to fill the tree with 402325 words I thought to proceed differently by creating a class.
In my last codes it is normal that I cannot find a word as my tree is incorrect.
In fact I have introduced all the letters of each word.
So I don’t see how to do it.

You shouldn’t need to pass the parameter ByRef. Leave that out. You are right to use a class, though. I would need to see your current code to help further.

Even better is to refactor your code so it does not use recursion at all, by using a while loop.

Recursion is best avoided.

You’re teaching me something here, from everything I’ve read and studied they only talk about recursion but I’ll try.
Tim, I feel like I’m getting closer to the truth. At least the tree fills up but not correctly it seems to me.

Function Insert(Char As String) Boolean
  if fData > Char Then
    if Left <> Nil Then
      Call Left.Insert( Char )
      Left = New Tree( Char )
      Call Left.Insert( Char )
    end if   
  else  // fData <= Char  
    if fData = Char Then
      Return True    
    else  // fData < Char
      if Right <> Nil Then  
        Call Right.Insert( Char )
        Right = New Tree( Char )
        Call Right.Insert( Char )
      end if      
    end if    
  end if

There is no need to call Insert after you create the new node. And I disagree with Nicholas. Recursion can be quite elegant and useful.

It doesn’t look like you fill in fData anywhere. Try this:

Sub Insert (Char As String)
  If Char = "" Then
    // Maybe raise an exception?
  End If

  If fData = "" Or fData = Char Then
    fData = Char
  End If

  Select Case Char
  Case Is > fData
    If Right Is Nil Then
      Right = New Tree( Char )
      Right.Insert( Char )
    End If

  Case Else // Is < fData
    If Left Is Nil Then
      Left = New Tree( Char )
      Left.Insert( Char )
    End If

  End Select
End Sub

(Not tested.)

Note that my version doesn’t return anything since this code will always end up doing something.

What is the code behind FILL_TREE?


Recursion is an amusing novelty where the dataset is modest, but the outcome isn’t deterministic and eventually, if your data is large enough you’ll trigger a stack overflow exception - for example case in the help for stackoverflow:

It is always possible to refactor the code to remove recursion and in doing so you may often achieve a better result and code that runs reliably and easier to understand. NB Recursion and self-modifying code (I’ve been there done that, too) are not permitted in environments where software is used to perform a safety function (eg railways, aircraft, power stations, process oil & gas).

Nicholas, at first I thought like you but since everything I read talks about recursion I wanted to try to understand and make my program like that. I found it strange that for a word of 15 letters, for example, you need to browse through the branch 15 times to introduce the letters.
I will try it later.
Tim, I know there’s no need to call the function back but I was thinking maybe I was repositioning myself correctly in the tree, but the result is the same.
Kem, I used FILL_TREE in my previous program where I used the tree as a parameter but now I would like to avoid it.
Your code seems quite logical but I get the same tree. May I ask you to test your code with this code in a in button for example. Thank you.

Dim Word As String
Dim Words(-1) As String
Dim i,j As Integer
Words.Append "SHORT$"
Words.Append "ABOUT$"
Words.Append "DANCE$"
Words.Append "CRUAL$"
For j = 0 To Words.Ubound
Word = Words(j)
For i = 1 To Len(Word)
if bt = Nil Then
bt = New TBtreeNode( " " )
end if
Call bt.Insert( Mid( Word, i, 1 ) )

Please post a test project and I’ll be happy to look.

Oops I don’t know how to post a project :frowning:

Create a sample project, then upload it somewhere public, like Dropbox. Then post the link here.