Checkboxes in Listboxes

Discovered odd behaviour today with a DesktopListbox with checkboxes in its cells, under Linux (mint and separately on a Pi). As the listbox is scrolled and the row disappears off the bottom the checkboxes stay visible as they move over the bottom edge of the listbox; they stay visible entirely until they are entirely out of the lisbox. Then they vanish. Doesn’t happen with macOS/Win.

Issue 74580.

It’s not a platform I target, but you have me curious what this looks like. Do you have screenshots?

Lemme see - I’ll try to post a screen shot.

Here’s shot from my Mint VirtualBox VM. See how the text is scrolling correctly off the bottom of the listbox while the checkboxes in both columns are not:

Did you try it on another distro?

It’s been fixed for r4.

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