Check spelling in TextArea for different languages

Hello !

i wonder if there’s a way to specify which language to use to check the spelling in a TextArea.
In my case i have two TextAreas, one of them with italian language and the other one with english language.

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution or are you still waiting an answer ?

It’s system level, I think. I know of no declares that can change the language, but there might be something out there for that.

If you’re interested, Formatted Text Control in combination with our BKS Spell Checker plugin can be used to specify different Hunspell dictionaries. That’s pretty easy.

I have not tried to do native dictionary spell checking with the plugin. If you’re interested I can do some testing.

Full disclosure: FTC and BKS Spell Checker plugins are commercial products.

Thanks. Since commercial products are not for me, I will wait if one of our declare guru comes with a solution. I would like to fill a feedback case, but the latest revision refuse to install, pretexting ‘busy ressource’.

How to make a feedback about a malfunctionning feedback application ?

On OS X it’s easy – once you have wrapped the Objective C stuff: with NSSpellChecker you have the ability to switch the language or to have the language detected automatically.

The “busy resource” is not something new. Google it or search for it here on the forum.

[quote=198604:@Gilles Rioux]Thanks. Since commercial products are not for me, I will wait if one of our declare guru comes with a solution. I would like to fill a feedback case, but the latest revision refuse to install, pretexting ‘busy ressource’.

How to make a feedback about a malfunctionning feedback application ?[/quote]

Have you tried to remove Feedback entirely, then manually install from the latest download ?

@Michel Bujardet Merci pour le tuyau, il a fonctionné

@Eli Ott Thanks, but my doctor told me not to abuse of Objective C :slight_smile: