Chart with popover showing actual data in pie chart (ChartCircularDataset)?

In the docs, I found this on the ChartCircularDataset page:

Var sales() As Double = Array(345890.0, 421934, 456908, 567987)
Var colors() As Color = Array(Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Yellow, Color.Blue)
Var ds As New ChartCircularDataset("Sales", sales, Colors)
Me.AddLabels("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")

I added a chart type pie, and when you hover over the pie pieces, it just says “Sales:”. How do you have the popover display the actual number?

Is this a Desktop project?
What version of Xojo?
Are you developing on?

Tried your code and I see this using a Mac:

Hi Alberto. It’s for web, but I assumed it would be the same result on all. Using 2023 r1

This is what I get

Ah, web.

Yes, there is a bug in 2023R1/R1.1 that shows like that.
A different bug in 2023R2, so you can’t use that either.
You need to wait for 2023R3.

Ah that’s good to know. Do you know if an issue was tested for this one?

I remember an Issue reported about this and fixed for R2 but a different bug is showing.

If you want to use a different Chart version, you can try

with R1.

The configuration is different but it may help.

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Great! Thanks for the info. I remember reading other posts about r2 having some issues for web charts, so I decided to hold off till there’s a 2.1 or 3. I’ll check out that GitHub project