Chart Tutorial

Nope, we need a new one for this… you can create it yourself or I can create it for you :wink:

Perhaps you can put it under this ticket that was never fully implemented:

Again, many thanks for your reply.

Could I ask if you could create the request as I would not know how to start.

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You can go to:
and click ‘New Issue’ button. There you can provide a Title, information and can upload screenshots, videos, xojo code, etc.

Is the best way to report problems and ask for new features.

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Correction: “Is the only way to report problems and ask for new features.”

Discussing here is fine to get ideas worked through, but it doesn’t actually represent anything that would be actionable by Xojo.


There are very few recent times Xojo staff are here on the forum. I am not a staff member in any organisation.

Yes, and as I had stated previously, that’s a reflection of the way Xojo behaves.

Actually, I’ve found Javier to be nothing but helpful.


@Tim_Parnell Thank you so much for your comments but, please, let’s keep this thread on the topic.

If you want to continue expressing your concerns about this not being “feature complete” ?? please, let me know which ones so I can add them to issues if you don’t want to add them yourself. :+1:


Sure! Already created here:

Thank you @Larry_Goddard :+1:

Constructive comments are, as always, welcome, but please try to keep this on-topic and free from attacks or rants. The moderation team has handled several flags on this discussion, and I would prefer those be the last.


Chartjs has options to change the startAtZero maybe xojo could add such boolean dlag as well?

We will see the implementation, there is a case for it already: :wink:

Progress on this for a further release:


Is there a way of showing the legend to the left or right of the graph? Just seems to sit above it

Hi @Paul_Oxley

When implemented for Desktop / iOS we did it to replicate the same behavior we had with WebChart on Web… but you can open a Feature Request issue as the first step for it to happen! :slight_smile:

In fact, we did add several new features for Charts (all supported targets) since then.

Thanks Javier

I have done just that. :crossed_fingers:


What’s the link for the issue? I’m happy to sign on to that.

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