I know changing the list index sill set the focus on the next row down. If I have clicked on a certain cell and want to go to the next row, same cell I can change the index. How would I go about changing to the next column? If I click on a cell and have the cell information, how can I set focus on the next column? Here is some example code for an editable listbox that sets the focus on a text field and then when the text field gets a key type it sets focus back to the listbox. Thanks for any help in advance.
Listbox_Log.cell(iSelectedRow, iSelectedColumn) = sRemovedText + Me.Text
If Details.KeyCode = Details.KeyArrowDown Then
If iSelectedRow <> Listbox_Log.RowCount-1 Then
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = iSelectedRow + 1
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
If Details.KeyCode = Details.KeyArrowUp Then
If iSelectedRow <> 0 Then
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = iSelectedRow -1
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = Listbox_Log.RowCount -1
End If
End If
If Details.KeyCode = Details.KeyArrowRight Then
If iSelectedColumn <> Listbox_Log.ColumnCount-1 Then
Listbox_Log.???(Listbox_Log.ListIndex, iSelectedColumn + 1)
Listbox_Log.???(Listbox_Log.ListIndex, 0)
End If
End If
If Details.KeyCode = Details.KeyEnter Then
If iSelectedRow <> Listbox_Log.RowCount-1 Then
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = iSelectedRow + 1
Listbox_Log.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If