In a project, I analyze a master folder contents and build an html description that holds afolder contents description in <table …/… .
As the first line, I place a line.
Now, I wrote an analyzer that build a Table of Contents by searching these and store them (temporarilly) in an array.
When the analuze is done, I insert a brand new <table at a document start (pre-defined location with an <a name=" … too).
With Xojo 2021r2.1 all is clean / clear / works like a charm.
But, Xojo 2024r4.1 and Xojo 2024r4.2, the results is not what the average person imagie a Table of contents can be.
I am a bit lost.
NB: I was very happy when I wrote the analyzer because it tooks me no time. I was a bit less happy to correct all small mistakes there was in my code (yes, you can call that bugs).
But even that late in the night, after some times the code was doing what I was expecting.
In the code I use:
// Where is "master_table" ?
Pos_Actual = TA.Value.InStr("master_table")
// Build table href=#
Do Until TA.Value.InStr(Pos_Actual, Tag_Start) = 0
// Get the Position of the Issue Name and Number Start Tags
Pos_Start = TA.Value.InStr(Pos_Actual, Tag_Start)
// Stop here if no more Tag_Start String in the text
If Pos_Start = 0 Then Exit
// Set the actual Character Position
Pos_Actual = Pos_Start
// Get the Position of the end tag
Pos_End = TA.Text.InStr(Pos_Actual, Tag_End)
The question is:
In your experience, what have changed between these two versions to produce (so many) errors
Here’s a screenshot of the html result (same project / different IDE version) done with Firefox.
On the left, result of the 2021r2.1 created file, while on the right, for the same contents, results of the 2024r4.2 IDE.
The “structure” is correct (more or less), while the contents is garbage. I do not even tried to click in a link (before looking at the html code).