Change Names / Properties of dll Files

I work mainly using Apple computers, but have compiled an application with Xojo for Windows for testing. Upon looking in the dll folder I see four files which have the dll file name, a version name, and Xojo listed next to the file icon. If I check the properties for these files and look under the version tab I see Xojo listed twice along with the version of Xojo used.

As long as we must have the separate folder for dll files I don’t mind the MS and ICU dlls, but I am not really keen on having dll files which are clearly labeled as being Xojo because that is likely to lead a competitor software maker to the very tool I used to make the application. I think this may also take some of the “mystery” out of the product if a customer takes a look at this and does a Google search for Xojo - they could be thinking maybe the product is not so great as it was probably done by an amateur.

Is there any way to rename these files so you don’t see Xojo? I did not realize the Windows builds essentially included advertising for Xojo.

Are there similar files being placed in the Mac compile that one can tell it was made with Xojo?

Maybe you have a different kind of customer segment than I do, because I never encountered such doubts. Functionality, look & feel, that’s what they are interested in, but they don’t care about the tool my solutions are made with.

I’m proudly listing up Xojo in about boxes, because Xojo allows me to create software solutions all by myself, where 10 years back we needed a team for the same work. And this lowers the price for it and this is what our people like, first of all.

My suggestion: don’t waste your time with that kind of worries. Make your software work and look pro, and nobody will question you.

Peter, can you give an example of one of the files that says Xojo on it?

Xojo plugin

Xojo plugin

Appearance Pak.dll
Xojo plugin

Xojo plugin

What about compressing all so DLL won’t show ?

What about compressing all so DLL won’t show ?


  1. This produces multiple run time errors.
  2. Many of these products have a high price.
  3. That thread also addresses such applications causing problems with anti-virus software, which I think is going to put many customers off the product.

In any case I also checked the framework folder for the Macintosh version and found these files:


A hex editor is also showing “xojo” multiple times as plain text within the applications.

I am not really interested in advertising how the product was made, either to competitors or users.

[quote=154887:@Peter Shultz]What about compressing all so DLL won’t show ?


  1. This produces multiple run time errors.
  2. Many of these products have a high price.
  3. That thread also addresses such applications causing problems with anti-virus software, which I think is going to put many customers off the product.

In any case I also checked the framework folder for the Macintosh version and found these files:


A hex editor is also showing “xojo” multiple times as plain text within the applications.

I am not really interested in advertising how the product was made, either to competitors or users.[/quote]

Sorry for suggesting.

So far the solution appears to be…

  1. Open each dll file that has xojo in the file name in a hex editor (Hex Fiend) and replace “xojo” with a random four character string and save the file.

  2. Open the exe file in hex editor and:

A. search for each dll file name with xojo in it. Change the name of the external dll file and change it corresponding name in the exe file with the same random string.

B. Replace any other occurrence of Xojo with a random four character string.

C. Save exe file.

  1. Open each one of the dll files in the following shareware product:

Remove all text references to Xojo in each file.

Save each dll after changed are made.

You run the risk of this breaking the app entirely if you edit the DLL’s in this way.
You’ve quite possibly renamed symbols & other entry points in the DLL and this may result in the app malfunctioning.

“You run the risk of this breaking the app entirely if you edit the DLL’s in this way.
You’ve quite possibly renamed symbols & other entry points in the DLL and this may result in the app malfunctioning.”

The application is fully functional with no issues, even the cross platform transfer of files it generates works perfectly fine. Until Xojo removes its ads in the product I guess this will have to be the solution.

And if you think that that will stop someone from hacking your app then I have a bridge that I am willing to sell to you at a really good price. But, it is your time so waste it the way that suits you.

the guy I work for who builds commercial 3D Render engines (C/C++ programmer) was quite impressed with how easy it was to get cross platform with Xojo, he didn’t turn round and say “jeez Nige you don’t want to use that, its terrible” he uses 3 different IDE’s
Most dll’s have a reference to its creator… I can’t see why its an ad?
Personally if I was doing something that turned out amazing I’d make it a priority to credit the software I used specially if they were lesser known, I’ve struggled for the last year trying to get cross platform support with a C# app and I achieved it in 6 weeks with Xojo, so I have no issues declaring it as “Created with Xojo”

“And if you think that that will stop someone from hacking your app then I have a bridge that I am willing to sell to you at a really good price. But, it is your time so waste it the way that suits you.”

Yes, I agree, “hacking” has nothing to do with it, but a nice attempt to make someone look stupid. Perhaps you should research what that term actually means before using it.

Considering we both have apparently bought Xojo would that not make two of that have bought a “bridge” - sort of a oxymoron there.

It will cut down on the banner ads Xojo chooses to insert into my compiled application in effort to generate more sales for itself at the expense of someone who has already purchased the product. If the references to Xojo are not intended as ads then there should be no problem of removing them from the compiled applications.

Banner ads!!! Exaggerate much?

References buried in the executable or on the DLLs or DyLibs are hardly banner ads. In point of fact as others have pointed out most tools do the same thing and it’s not considered advertising.

Your attitude/concerns are peculiar to say the least… You can do what you want, just don’t expect others to share your issues or to be concerned about them.

not really sure what this thread topic serves other than to the paranoid.