CGI deployment on linux server

I want to delpoy my web app on Linux server . I have a shared server run on Linux . For deploying web app I prefered Linux Deplyment. But cgi app doesnt launch.
Anyone provides me procedure for deploying web app on Linux.
Linux configuration-64 bit
Application -64 bit

Thanks in advance

Hi poonam,

I’ve published a video about this. You can find it here.

It’s in Spanish… but I hope that it would help anyway, just following the steps shown or with the translation feature of YouTube…


Thank you.

I run a Web project on my Ubuntu server and it warned “segmentation fault”.How did you do that?Because I am in China mainland,I can visit YOUTUBE.So could you help me please!

Hello Javier,

I have done all steps as in video.
When I run command on linux server “./webapp”
Then error is given "Binary file can not be executed "
Could you help me please to solve this error ?

Hi @Poonam Kadam

When installed as a CGI app, you don’t have to execute the App! (the app instance is automatically launched under request of the CGI side that, in fact, calls the Perl script generated by Xojo).

You only need to launch the app yourself when deployed as Standalone. That is: you define the webserver port where the app is listening for requests, and the app behaves like a server itself… doesn’t mind if you have Apache installed and configured or not.

Please, note that the first half of the video is about deploying the web app as standalone, while the second half instucts about how to deploy it as CGI. In that case Xojo generates the “config.cfg” and “your-app-name.cgi” files.

Another general issues related with CGI:

Is the Apache CGI correctly configured? Please make sure it is and that you have the right privileges to launch the App from the directory it is saved in.

Make sure you have compiled the web app for the right architecture too (i.e: Linux 64 bits), and that the server components are 64 bits too. (Does it works if compiled and installed into the server as a 32 bits app?)


Yes Javier,

Here I made build for standalone web app for Linux(64 bit) and upload file on FTP (ASCII mode). Also I have changed permission to 755.
Also my server is linux 64 bit.
Then on linux server I run command “./appname”
Error is given as "Binary file can not be executed "

Thanks in advance

Hmmm… that kind of message error is due to executing the “wrong” architecture App under the OS: 64 bits on 32 bits or some 32 bits library dependencies on the Server… or maybe because some necessary libraries are missing. I think there is a problem on the Server. What OS are you using on the server?

Please, take a look under the Web Server/Deployment section of the System Requirements web page.

In addition, it will not run if you are running already another web app that uses the same App identifier.
