CBool in Xojo

Hello, CBool Operator does not exist in Xojo, is there an equivalent operator to convert this code ?

  Dim Char As String
  If CBool(Sgn(dd) - 1) And Lat Then
    Char = "S"
  ElseIf CBool(Sgn(dd) - 1) Then
    Char = "E"
  ElseIf Lat Then
    Char = "N"
    Char = "W"
  End If

Try this (untested):

Dim Char As String

If if(Sgn(dd) - 1=0,false,true) And Lat Then
Char = “S”
ElseIf if(Sgn(dd) - 1=0,false,true) Then
Char = “E”
ElseIf Lat Then
Char = “N”
Char = “W”
End If[/code]

  Dim Char As String
  If ((Sgn(dd) - 1)<>0) And Lat Then
    Char = "S"
  ElseIf ((Sgn(dd) - 1)<>0) Then
    Char = "E"
  ElseIf Lat Then
    Char = "N"
    Char = "W"
  End If

why not simply CType for boolean?

Or go through a Variant.

I’ve been told that variants are exceptionally slow. I’ve not confirmed that, but various engineers have said that over the years. Be a good experiment when I have spare time.

Maybe I’m missing something but isn’t

CBool(Sgn(dd) - 1)

just an obfuscated version of

dd <= 0


The not obvious, but optimized version should be:

  Dim Char As String
  If (dd <= 0) And Lat Then
    Char = "S"
  ElseIf (dd <= 0) Then
    Char = "E"
  ElseIf Lat Then
    Char = "N"
    Char = "W"
  End If

But the answer to the OP question is:

What is the equivalent to CBool(x) for a numeric x?
Answer: ((x) <> 0)

the overhead of variant is not that big that you should worry.
Of course if you start using variant everywhere instead of integers for example, your performance will suffer.
On a variant, for each value assignment, an object is created. For every access, there may be a conversion needed which can also hurt on performance.

Dim Char As String
  If ((Sgn(dd) - 1)<>0) And Lat Then
    Char = "S"
  ElseIf ((Sgn(dd) - 1)<>0) Then
    Char = "E"
  ElseIf Lat Then
    Char = "N"
    Char = "W"
  End If

with this code it’s Ok, thank’s every body.

How about

if (Sgn(dd) - 1) <> 0 then
   if Lat then Char = "S" else Char = "E"
   if Lat then Char = "N" else Char = "W"

Or with the new If construct:

if (Sgn(dd) - 1) <> 0 then
  Char = If( Lat, "S", "E" )
  Char = If( Lat, "N", "W" )

Or even:

Char = If( ( Sgn( dd ) - 1 ) <> 0, If( Lat, "S", "E" ), If( Lat, "N", "W" ) )

(I don’t recommend that last one.)

It was interesting. Many minds, one problem, a huge clean up.

if dd <= 0 then
  Char = If( Lat, "S", "E" )
  Char = If( Lat, "N", "W" )

Right sgn(dd) returns -1, 0, or 1. so CBool(sgn(dd)-1) true means that sgn(dd) is not 1. Therefore dd was either 0 or < 0. How convoluted can you get?

To be true, I wrote a simplified version of this in a piece of paper after reading Michael H’s argument.
Just to be sure.