I have a ComfilePi (basically a RaspberryPi with a touchscreen) that I need to “do things” when an input gets energized. The supplier has an example in C# to work with this Input/Output card. The trouble is, I know absolutely nothing about C#. I don’t even know if their example is something I can run. I have all the code already written in Xojo that needs to execute once a signal happens. However, I have no idea how to “get the signal”. I’m not sure if any of you are able to help get me pointed in the right direction. Here is the page that contains the example http://comfilewiki.co.kr/en/doku.php?id=cp-io22:index#c_control_example
The link to download the code is just under the video. I’m completely perplexed.
Thanks a million times in advance for any help!