Can't run iOS in debug

It’s been a while since I’ve worked on this iOS app.

So I loaded it up and I cannot run it in the bug I’m sure there’s something I have to do to enable that but I am no idea what that would be.
It’s probably been a year or two since I’ve had this app Xojo.

Running version 2019 release 1.1

Set build to 64bit?

Apparently, you can hover your mouse over the run button and get a tooltip with what the problem is. It’s a horrible user interface design, and I just found out about this like a week ago after what five years? But it’s something.

It says Xcode and required command line tools are not installed.

I just ran xcode and installed all items.

What else do I need to do?

Just open xcode (make sure it’s the latest)
It should request to install the toolchain.

Otherwise go to xcode preferences in the “locations” make sure xcode (lastest) version is selected in the popupmenu
Then restart xojo


Just open xcode (make sure it’s the latest)
It should request to install the toolchain.

Otherwise go to xcode preferences in the “locations” make sure xcode (lastest) version is selected in the popupmenu
Then restart xojo[/quote]

I opened Xcode, it did not ask anything.

Xcode version is 11.2.1

Restarted Xojo, made no difference. Still showing the same error in tool tip.

Gosh information is just scattered literally everywhere for iOS. That must be so frustrating.
According to the system requirements page, Xcode 11 requires you use 2019r2.

I tried updating to r2 and ran in to tons of problems.

Has there been any problems updating to r2.1?

I’ll install r2.1 for this. But hesitant to move my other apps to r2.1

Does anyone know why I’m getting this:

Both r1.1 and now also r2.1

“rYshkI.JSONParser” will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash.

The file name is always different.

It started when I updated to Catalina.

Theres the issue
Catalina :stuck_out_tongue:

I now can run the iOS in the debugger.

[quote=466683:@Richard Albrecht]
“rYshkI.JSONParser” will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash.

The file name is always different.[/quote]
Do you use a third party JSON parsing plugin?

Just MBS

Be sure you have the latest versions.

[quote=466685:@Norman Palardy]Theres the issue
Catalina :P[/quote]

Richard, this link might help.

"You are probably seeing any one of them because you previously installed some fake “utility” apps like “Advanced Mac Cleaner”, “Photo Cleaner”, “Mac Cleanup Pro” and/or “AdwareCleaner.” or something similar. This is malware which is malicious software. If you have any of these programs, uninstall them. This is a known scam targeting Mac users.

It is probably that these files were on your computer and you started seeing any of these popups after you upgraded to macOS Catalina because, during your Catalina upgrade process, all of your files were checked and macOS labeled them as dangerous."

I found the plugin that is caausing it: JSON Parser.xojo_plugin

How can I determine where it is from?

[quote=466702:@Richard Albrecht]I found the plugin that is caausing it: JSON Parser.xojo_plugin

How can I determine where it is from?[/quote]

@Gavin Smith

Thanks it’s from Einhugur Software

I removed it, I just hope I’m not using it anywhere…

Its not a virus !

Its simply a code sign that Catalina chockes on because the files did not have .dylib ending.

This has of course been fixed in newer version.