Can't open project

Place the pictures that were on the smb volume next to the project and try to open. With some luck, Xojo will fetch these files over the missing ones.

There is no smb volume. This is the came computer with the same user and the same paths!

But I could try to totally remove the external items.

@Norman: how do I avoid issues like these in the future? I need the 2 computers connected.

[quote=255959:@Beatrix Willius]@Norman: this takes about 30 seconds for one single file. I’ve about 600 or so.

The files didn’t “reside on a server”. There is just my MacPro and the Laptop. And I didn’t use the 2 machines for developing, just the MacPro.[/quote]
The alias saved as part of SaveInfo is looking for a “machine” that no longer exists - physically it might be the same piece of hardware but logically for OS X it’s a “new” different machine

Like I said aliases are too darned smart for their own good sometimes

[quote=255938:@Norman Palardy]Save as plain text (which doesn’t use save info)

For future reference I’d caution you about using external items in binary projects / xml projects

They DO use save info which embeds an alias[/quote]
Save as plain text :slight_smile:
Bonus points: you then are able to use source control!

[quote=255961:@Beatrix Willius]There is no smb volume. This is the came computer with the same user and the same paths!

But I could try to totally remove the external items.

@Norman: how do I avoid issues like these in the future? I need the 2 computers connected.[/quote]

use a text project
it doesn’t use save info for externals

If more people run into this, I could also add a feature to Arbed to fix these in one go, e.g. by removing the bad aliases and find any lost files along the way.

Also: I’ve been using source control with the binary format for years, thanks to Arbed, which shows the differences much better than what a textual comparison does. But you know that, don’t you? :slight_smile:

Other reasons against text format: Loses breakpoints (or has this been fixed by now?) and doesn’t support shared (external) code files (well, only if those items are saved as XML or binary, but that again defies the purpose of the text format then).

BBEdit does a very nice job as do any of the many other tools that do file diffs including the source control tools themselves

[quote=255978:@Thomas Tempelmann]Other reasons against text format: Loses breakpoints (or has this been fixed by now?)
No and wont be as thwy are NOT part of the project but part of the UIstate
I’d hate checking in a projects and having everyone suddenly get my set of break points
Or worse suddenly i get all of Greg’s Williams or Joes
In fact there are feature requests to remove them from the contents of the binary & XML for exactly this reason
It makes working on a team nasty when everyone gets your break points

[quote=255978:@Thomas Tempelmann]
And doesn’t support shared (external) code files (well, only if those items are saved as XML or binary, but that again defies the purpose of the text format then).[/quote]
This is unrelated to the project being text or binary or xml
It’s not a bug in the format - a limitation of the way the format was designed years ago that we’re living with
In hindsight there are a few things that could have been done differently BUT “fixing” them would likely break every text project out there
I think every engineer has at one time or another said “I’m going to fix this for text projects” - and no one has so far
Aaron and I came close but bumped into a few issues that made it not possible to solve in a general way without revamping that format

I’d love to get the chance to revise all that code so there is ONE format - period - that solves the issues in VCP / Binary and XML.
Each has some bumps & warts and they are different depending on the format.

But you know that, don’t you? :slight_smile:

Norman, good point on the breakpoints in groups. Doesn’t affect me, though - if the BPs are stored in a user’s prefs somewhere, that’s fine with me. As long as I don’t lose them whenever I close my project.

Also, I’m not saying the text format is bad, so you don’t have to get so defensive. I was only pointing out why it isn’t just plain better than the binary format because you and Tim seemed to suggest that it’s just the plain better one, or at least it sounded to me like that.

Damn, called out on a mere 14 words :wink:

Binary has few advantages as far as I’m concerned
And I refuse to do the dance required to use binary + Arbed + version control
SVN + text format is just easy to use with Git , SVN, or most other version control systems that expect you’re dealing with text resources

I’ve solved the problem. My 2 computers are a MacPro and an Air. The MacPro has file sharing turned on so that the Air can access the files of the MacPro. After turning file sharing on for the MacPro Xojo was able to resolve the aliases. This was for the Xojo projects ON THE PRO!!! How weird is this?

So far my set up has been working fine with SVN. I have 3 main projects (installer, app, helper app) that need some shared code. There have been instructions how to work with shared code that I didn’t understand.

XML is just plain unusable because the main file is 280 MB large! Externalise icons and XML might be useful.

And let’s not talk about the weird price policy of Xojo. I have no problems giving Xojo money. But 200 bucks for text format only feels strange.

Congrats Beatrix !