Can't compile project with report on windows 10

I’ve notices that I’m unable to compile projects containing reports on windows 10. I’ve tried two computers with widows 10 on versions 15.3, 16.1, and 16.3.

Any ideas? It works on a Windows 8 computer running V 15.3. I have a project with a looming deadline, but I don’t have a build license for the computer running Windows 8.

I forgot to mention that the compile hangs on ‘Compiling “Report”’ . I’ve left it hang for an hour and a half and no luck.

depending on you license, you should be able to install on more than one computer

You can deactivate a license in your account on, so you can activate a new copy on the Windows 8 computer.

That will work to build, but I would need to develop the report on that computer as we since I can’t even compile to debug on the windows 10 machines. To bad its a laptop with a 13" display.

Is anyone able to compile reports on windows 10. Is this a bug?

I have added a report to my project & I’m not seeing this issue.

Hmmm… It seems like it’s not all the reports. Try compiling the ‘Breaking List of orders’ example.

Again it works ok here. I’m running a completely standard Xojo - no 3rd party plugins, can’t see that making a difference, but you might try removing any 3rd party plugins & test that.

Ok I’ve been able to make my report by starting from scratch. I’m not sure why it won’t compile the example.

Thanks for your replies.