I noticed this as well. I cannot replicate this behavior by saving files named “untitled.xojo_binary_project” from other software (Notepad, Word or InDesign) as they all work.
OK - just got an error report from one of our users with the same problem in our compiled application (now compiled in 2015r4.1). Saving a SQLite database to the Desktop. Sigh.
I have re-compiled the application in 2015r4 with debugging information and sent him a new binary to see if this solves this issue. His computer is joined to a Active Directory domain. No problems creating a file named “untitled.qdb” (same name as the file from our application) in Notepad and saving it.
User is running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit edition with Trend Anti-Virus Business Security 9.0 SP2.
OK. Did some additional research and I am able to reproduce the problem with the following code:
[code] dim dlg as SaveAsDialog
dim f as FolderItem
dlg = new SaveAsDialog
dlg.Title = “Save Database”
dlg.InitialDirectory = SpecialFolder.Desktop
dlg.Filter = FileTypes1.Untitled
dlg.SuggestedFileName = “Copy of file”
f = dlg.ShowModal
if f <> nil then
MsgBox f.NativePath
end if
The culprit here is setting the Filter property and leaving the filename without the extension, much like I do in Xojo IDE when doing a Save As, clicking the Desktop and just typing in “test” as the filename.
f then contains C:\Users\test.xojo_binary_project instead C:\Users\msa.TANGIX\Desktop\test.xojo_binary_project
If I dare take a guess here - the “.” in my profile path “msa.TANGIX” screws up the parsing of the filename…
I have seen that exact same problem, but didn’t spend the time to analyse it. Well done!
Now I’ll need to change the way I am asking the user for a file and better handle the FolderItem I get back.