Can you have a Combobox without an Arrow

Is it possible to have a ComboBox with no arrow on it? Or is there a way of making a custom designed combobox and have it the way you want it?

Thanks in Advance

Is it possible to have a ComboBox with no arrow on it?

Or is there a way of making a custom designed combobox and have it the way you want it?
short answer YES but it requires you to design your own control (I suggest a combo of textfield and listbox)

Did you noticed that the PopupMenu have two arrows on it vs one on the ComboBox (I suppose what I see there on my MacBook Pro are arrows…).

Other question: how do you make a display difference between TextField/TextArea (TextEdit) and PopupMenu/ComboBox (PopupMenu) from the user point of view ?

When the user clicks in the “CustomComboBox” field, you popup the listbox at the same Top, Left, Width as the TextField with the top cell (0,0) black and in edit mode. If the use adds an entry, sort the list and add their entry to the TextField. If they select an entry from the existing list, place that entry into the TextField and hide/close the list