Im thinking of a short GIF style animation, or a very short MOV file.
Must the launch be a static image?
at this point yes
Apple has discourged the use of Launch “Images” for 3 or 4 iOS releases (or so).
A “LaunchScreen.Storyboard” is the recommended method… however “iOS for Xojo” doesn’t yet seem to support this
a launch image may appear distorted on the 11" iPad as it has a different aspect ratio
and… a launch storyboard is also static… but it need not be just an “image”
What Dave said. It’s kinda like those annoying intro pages on websites.
But of course you could use a static image, which is usually barely displayed, if at all, followed by a View with an animation that starts with the static image as the first frame.
What Art suggested seems to be the common way to do it… but again… beware of device aspect ratio.
iPhones are 9:16, iPads are 3:4 except the 11" which is approx 7:10
xojo uses a storyboard
has for a while since late 2016 or so
[quote=434610:@Norman Palardy]xojo uses a storyboard
has for a while since late 2016 or so[/quote]
It may convert “windows” to storyboards… but the point was there is no way (that I know of) to create a LAUNCHSCREEN.storyboard, restricting you to launch images still
it compiles an actual story board as designed in Xcode
that it only allows you a limited range of control choices on that story board is simply an IDE limitation - nothing more
thats why way down in the app bundle for the IDE there is a Resources > DefaultStoryboard directory with a default story board inside that gets compiled into the ios app
and has done that since late 2016 since Apple deprecated the use of launch images