I have been slowly converting the syntax of one of my existing desktop applications to the new Xojo Framework. One thing that I have noticed is that none of the new methods show any way to access their help page from the contextual menu.
For example (this is oversimplified, but it makes the point):
result = Mid(source, 5)
result = source.Middle(5)
In the source code editor, right click on “Mid” and you are given the contextual menu item to go straight to the Help page for the Mid function. Right click on “Middle”, and you get nothing. As far as I can tell this is universal. None of the new framework methods (AddRow, ResizeTo, etc.) have any way to easily access their help pages. This is a huge regression from the older syntax and I’m hoping that it’s either an oversight, or that it will be fixed in the next release.
Xojo 2019 R3.1 on macOS Catalina. Two installs, one on my MBP and the other on an iMac, both have the exact same issue.
Redim myArray(5)
Switching the preference option for “When seeking help:” seems to make no difference.
Right click on Redim and I get the menu item to go to the help page, right click on ResizeTo and nothing (Edit: I do get the generic “Open Language Reference” menu item, but it only opens to the main page). Interestingly the status bar “tooltip” text recognizes the ResizeTo and displays “Integer (newSize As Integer)” when the mouse hovers over the method name.