Building a Preference Pane app

I know - Asked and sort-of answered WRT Xojo. However, I’m running out of Google search term iterations.

Has anyone found a good outline/tutorial on creating a Preferences Pane Plugin in Xcode they could point me to? Even Apple’s documentation is not in sync with the current Xcode (surprise, surprise) …

You need to use Xcode as you need to implement a specific template for a Cocoa bundle which implements the required interface.

That is nothing for a Xojo app.

[quote=336830:@Christian Schmitz]You need to use Xcode as you need to implement a specific template for a Cocoa bundle which implements the required interface.

That is nothing for a Xojo app.[/quote]
I realize that - I’m hoping that someone has a lead on an old Youtube video or other resource. The Apple docs and the current Xcode are WAY out of sync. Thought I’d ask here as many of us use Xcode in combination with Xojo.

I just did a project which I tried to recreate the property pane. It’s not exactly the same.

There is 3 parts to the entire control.

For the Tabs, I used a container control which consist of a Rectangle which fills the entire control, a label and an imagewell, you can use a canvas for that.

For the tab panel, I use a Rectangle. Then just add the container control tabs to it. It’s a lot of manual work.

For the actual tabs, I use the PagePanel, one page corresponding each tab. The PagePanel will have a rectangle which fills the entire panel which will correspond to the selected color of the tabs.

So thats the set up.

Each container control will have a MouseDown event for the rectangle which will be used to switch to the corresponding Panel of the PagePanel and change the fillcolor of the rectangle to stimulate the click. Also at the same time, reverting the fillcolor of the rectangle of the other tabs.

Hope that helps.

No, it isn’t :slight_smile:
@Tim Jones wants to write a “Preference Pane”, which is a Pane that integrates and shows in the global macOS System Preferences.

My google results showed this one: EnvPane - A macOS preference pane for environment variables
Last Commit was in Feb '17 - so it seems to be more or less “up to date”. I haven’t tried it though…
While it’s not a tutorial, it may serve you as a “template”…?

[quote=336910:@Jürg Otter]No, it isn’t :slight_smile:
@Tim Jones wants to write a “Preference Pane”, which is a Pane that integrates and shows in the global macOS System Preferences.


Oops misread it as usual.

Thanks, Jürg. That’s sort of the idea. I was more looking for a generalized tutorial, but his work gives me a few ideas.