Build CopyFiles step Empty in Code?

I’ve added a CopyFiles step to my new project’s Build Automation. I’ve added a single file and saved the project. However, when I open the Build Automation.xojo_code file, there is no entry in the FolderItem = field. I noticed this when I copied the project from one Mac to another and the helper tool wasn’t copied on run and no error occurred. The path and original file exist in the same place on both systems.

Where is the list of files to be copied stored?

In that file just like

[code]#tag BuildAutomation
Begin BuildStepList Linux
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
Begin BuildStepList Mac OS X
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
Begin CopyFilesBuildStep CopyFiles1
AppliesTo = 0
Destination = 0
Subdirectory =
FolderItem = Li4ALi4ALi4AcGluZ2xvZw==
Begin BuildStepList Windows
Begin BuildProjectStep Build
#tag EndBuildAutomation


You can see what I see in the Terminal window versus what’s in the IDE in the screen shot. There is no entry in the FolderItem = line, but there is in the IDE’s editor.

It appears to be a 13r3.3 thing and I need 3.3 for 10.6.8 support. The CopyFiles step works until you exit and reload the project - the actual files aren’t saved into the CopyFiles step.

13r3.3 just reloads the project with the files missing. This is what I get when I load into a newer Xojo IDE: