Anyone worked with a Brother QL-1060 barcode printer on the Mac?
I had zero issues with getting it to work in Windows in a Xojo app but I’m not having any luck on the Mac side. Before I waste more hours of banging my head up against the wall I thought I’d ask if anyone had any experience with this printer via a Mac Xojo app.
[quote=324703:@Bob Keeney]Anyone worked with a Brother QL-1060 barcode printer on the Mac?
I had zero issues with getting it to work in Windows in a Xojo app but I’m not having any luck on the Mac side. Before I waste more hours of banging my head up against the wall I thought I’d ask if anyone had any experience with this printer via a Mac Xojo app.[/quote]
I’ve set a number of these up for a retail client. All iMacs, I think they were running 10.9 or 10.10. It wasn’t running a Xojo app but I don’t recall any issues in general so I’m not sure if I can help. Latest drivers are at
Yeah, I’ve downloaded the latest drivers. I can print through their P-Touch editor but I can’t seem to set the page size properly in a Xojo app. When I try to print anything the driver just coughs it back up.