Blurry Text on Retina Displays

If the rumors are true, then this is what I would like to see, however I’m reliant on sales of my apps via the Mac App Store. I’m sure others would prefer them to focus on other areas.

I’m not so sure, I don’t mean to argue, but I have a suspicion that the number of Xojo developers who sell on the App Store isn’t as big as you might think.

[quote=93411:@Wayne Golding]Perhaps the answer is to not play the Apple 30% game & sell direct? A Xojo App store where Xojo get’s say 10% commission?
Or perhaps sell to the Windows community 85%+ of users (but sadly Xojo looks like excrement in that profitable environment).[/quote]
Well, imagine if you got your product into Wallmart or Woolworths (you still have those in NZ?). Apple have engineered the Mac App Store to the be the #1 place to buy Mac Apps, there are very few exceptions, except maybe bundle site or if you have a very specific product that people are going to be looking for.

Amazon, you’d think would be great, but after months of red tape, redoing things Amazons way (and them taking a much larger cut than 30%), they do ■■■■ compared to the App Store.

I understand that Microsoft has a Windows store, but I do hear that most people on Windows don’t even know it exists…

Basically the Mac App Store is a concentrated sales place for most Mac users, and nearly everyone I know, knows about the App Store and uses it to buy apps.

[quote=93413:@Christoph De Vocht]Typo - must be:
I mean, if Apple declines all 32bit apps for the AppStore soon (read: next week?) it will have a huge impact on Xojo Inc sales for sure.[/quote]
Typo I know.

Xojo is XPlat? So why is appstore the driver? BIG FAIL for Xojo? Or should I just go back to .net?

True, sales are about x5 with ease - and for that I would gladly pay 30%

BTW this thread should be split. :slight_smile: Not sure how to do this.

Christoph and Sam,

That’s my opinion to. I find Xojo very nice for developing Apps for the Mac. It is much smarter to develop applications with Xojo than with objectiveC.

For Windows software development, VB or C# isn’t much more complicated than Xojo. Many additional .net Tools are open source or free to get. The .net Framework tools are much better supported than Xojo ones.

If the current Mac App store developer, couldn’t fix or update their software from the next week on, because Apple rejects 32 Bit software, the hell is comming down on these developers. So iOS development should be not as important as saving the current developers for loss of their income and reputation.

Just my two cents.

I don’t think you should go back to .NET, unless that is really going to benefit you. Xojo started out a long time ago as a Mac only development tool (way before Apple bought in Objective-C and Cocoa). So many of long time developers started out making Mac only applications, I for one am included. I’m sure that newer users will have their own reasons for choosing Xojo over other tools.

I think however it is fair to say that many of the most verbal developers here are Mac developers, and for us making money out of the App Store, it’s vital to us that Xojo keep up with Apple’s changes.

At the moment, I will confess that I’m not doing so well in terms of health, so my views are slewed somewhat more than ever. If Apple are listening (which would be a pleasant surprise), I would like them to slow down their changes to the App Store, or at the very least provide us with adequate warning of any forthcoming changes, 3~6 months would be nice. I’m sure that Xojo would also appreciate it too.

In the past I’ve had great response from Apple, by using ex-colleges to connect to various team members, and this time I’ve asked to be put in touch with someone on the App Store team. After this weekend, I will be writing them a very pleasant letter, explaining that as developers using third party tool, we’d appreciate some warning on changes to the App Store.

Now I can understand how you feel, the App Store is not something that affects you, so why should it consume so much engineering resources from Xojo? A tool that you pay for to develop Windows apps? Hopefully my answer will explain why I think it is, however ultimately it’s up to Xojo how they allocate their resources. The best suggestion I have for you is to use Feedback to make sure that Xojo know about any issues and improvements you need, maybe also open public conversations and get Xojo involved in what it is that you need.

After not doing any Windows development for 7~8 years, I was quite happy to see that for the most part it works exactly as advertised. I was disappointed to see that most of MS’s technical documentation is now geared towards .NET and some XML based platform I have no idea about. It seems that .NET is how MS are going forwards, so I would like to see more support within Xojo.

Anyhoe - as we completely jacked this thread, I started a new one to continue the conversation that is not about Retina.