Blurring background of Window/Canvas


I have two questions. Is there a way to blur the background of a Canvas/window or a specific region ?
Is it possible to exclude controls from transparency like the Open/Save Dialog in MacOS ?

Enclosed image shows my current project /w 0.95 alpha which works ok but I am also working with canvas
where I’d like to get the background blurred.

There was some amount of discussion about that kind of effect in Windows while ago. The closest approximation to what Apple does is a large amount of Gaussian blur.

That’s what I heard too. That means working with CIFilter to a window ?
Is there an example available ? I am still using OSX 10.8.5 and I would need an official solution.

[quote=173409:@Rob Egal]That’s what I heard too. That means working with CIFilter to a window ?
Is there an example available ? I am still using OSX 10.8.5 and I would need an official solution.[/quote]

Search the forum for “Vibrancy”. Sam Rowlands has published a splendid demonstration about how to obtain that in Xdev.

But with 10.8, your chances are not that great – yes, I think you would have to use a CIBlurFilter, maybe stacked with a brightness filter then. NSVibrancy came with 10.9.
I still had no luck setting up CIFilters as backgroundfilters, but if you want to try out I’ll send you an invitation to the (currently private, because too unfinished) repository of the solution I am working on.

NSVisualEffectView on OS X Yosemite, will do what you want. To roll it back to earlier versions, you’re going to have a wee bit of a challenge.

You’ll need to capture the background contents, then blur them and adjust them to get the effect you want, then draw them back.

Oh boy. That’s too much work for appearance. I assume what I’ve seen under OS 10.8.5 is all
a private Apple API call.

[quote=173693:@Rob Egal]Oh boy. That’s too much work for appearance. I assume what I’ve seen under OS 10.8.5 is all
a private Apple API call.[/quote]
IIRC, Apple did have some private APIs for doing this! Although it’s totally possible to create this effect without, just takes time!

Well, this may be a ghetto way of doing it and correct me if I am wrong, but couldn’t you create a canvas with a blurred texture on it as a .png, and make it visible when an “Important Error” window appears?

The .png would have an alpha layer of about 50%-80%ish to achieve the blurring of the window behind it.

[quote=173748:@Meade Lewis]Well, this may be a ghetto way of doing it and correct me if I am wrong, but couldn’t you create a canvas with a blurred texture on it as a .png, and make it visible when an “Important Error” window appears?

The .png would have an alpha layer of about 50%-80%ish to achieve the blurring of the window behind it.[/quote]

This will only work if you have a static frame but I am using a movable window I’ve found a good solution:

Thanks for the feed back. I am glad that my solution works in one instance or another. Sorry it was not perfect.