Blockquote in NSAttributedStringMBS

If I have an email with quoting:

and make a new email in Mail with NSSharingServiceItemsMBS and the html of the email I lose all quotes:

How can I get the quotes back? I tried some goggling where some said that blockquotes are supported. Others said that there are no blockquotes in an AttributedString. I tried with indentation but that also didn’t work.

How do you get your text into NSAttributedStringMBS class?

With your code from some weeks ago:

Dim documentAttributes As Dictionary
Dim documentOptions As New Dictionary

// define the text encoding
Const NSUTF8StringEncoding = 4
documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption) = NSUTF8StringEncoding
'// and a default base URL for finding images
'documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBaseURLDocumentOption) = NSURLMBS.URLWithString("")
// and a timeout for network queries
documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTimeoutDocumentOption) = 30

Dim BodyAttributed As New NSAttributedStringMBS
call BodyAttributed.initWithHTML(theBody, documentOptions, documentAttributes)

'make email
Dim items As New NSSharingServiceItemsMBS
Dim service As New NSSharingServiceMBS("")
service.subject = theSubject
service.setRecipients theFromList.Concat(theCCList)
service.performWithItems items

When I copy text in Apple Mail and paste it in Textedit, there is no block quote.
I wonder whether this works at all.

The Mail app puts html on clipboard and uses a WebViewer to compose the email.
So I assume it can handle blockquote in text.

So no idea with blockquoting or indenting?

For newsletters I don’t care. But the usual chain emails look very odd when the quoting is not visible.

Well, NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS class has a headIndent property.
And you can add it to a NSMutableAttributedStringMBS with NSParagraphStyleAttributeName as name.

Maybe that helps to indent?

Thanks, I’ll try to make sense of the examples.

Should I be able to see some result with the following code in the action event of the button:

dim MutableString as new NSMutableAttributedStringMBS
if not MutableString.initWithString(testtext) then
  MessageBox "string not initialised"
end if

dim theRange as new NSRangeMBS(0, testtext.IndexOf(EndOfLine))

dim theStyle as new NSParagraphStyleMBS
dim MutableStyle as NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS = theStyle.mutableCopy
MutableString.addAttribute(MutableString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, MutableStyle, theRange)

TextArea1.Text = MutableString.Text

@Christian_Schmitz : what am I doing wrong here?

TextArea1.Text = MutableString.Text

you certainly throw away all attributes by just moving plain text.
Let me check if I can get it working here better.

I got this:

Sub Opening() Handles Opening
  Dim storage As NSTextStorageMBS = TextArea1.NSTextViewMBS.textStorage
  Dim MutableString As NSMutableAttributedStringMBS = storage
  Dim theRange As NSRangeMBS = New NSRangeMBS(0, TextArea1.Text.Length)
  Dim MutableStyle As New NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS
  MutableString.addAttribute(MutableString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, MutableStyle, theRange)
End Sub

so looks like this with different intent for first and other lines:

Thanks. That works fine. But how do I change the style for a paragraph only? I’ve tried to reset the indent for the second text. But the email shows everything indented?

dim theBody as String = "blabla lkjf ösdjkf<br />"
theBody = theBody + "und noch mehr text lsdjfsdöfkj ösdlkjf södlkjf södlkfjsödlkfj"

Dim documentAttributes As Dictionary
Dim documentOptions As New Dictionary

// define the text encoding
Const NSUTF8StringEncoding = 4
documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption) = NSUTF8StringEncoding
'// and a default base URL for finding images
'documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBaseURLDocumentOption) = NSURLMBS.URLWithString("")
// and a timeout for network queries
documentOptions.Value(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTimeoutDocumentOption) = 30

Dim MutableString As New NSMutableAttributedStringMBS
call MutableString.initWithHTML(theBody, documentOptions, documentAttributes)

Dim theRange As NSRangeMBS = New NSRangeMBS(0, 20)
Dim MutableStyle As New NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS
MutableString.addAttribute(MutableString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, MutableStyle, theRange)

Dim theRange2 As NSRangeMBS = New NSRangeMBS(25, 40)
Dim MutableStyle2 As New NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS
MutableString.addAttribute(MutableString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, MutableStyle2, theRange2)

'make email
Dim items As New NSSharingServiceItemsMBS
Dim service As New NSSharingServiceMBS("")
service.subject = "theSubject"
service.setRecipients array("")
service.performWithItems items

You may want to check that the two NSRangeMBS objects are right.