BKeeny Shorts 2.0.9 and DynaPDF ErrorNumber 116

I’m using BKeeny Shorts since many years with DynaPDF. Now I get a problem, when I print a list with multi columns. I define the columns in BKShorts like 200, 150, 100, 50 pixel. If a text in this column is greater than the width of the column, it was cut the overlapping text automatically. But now I got the error message “ErrorNumer 116”, “WriteFText: Operation canceled!”.
BKShorts 2.0.8 and 2.0.9
Xojo: 2020 R1.1, 2.0. 2.1
macOS 10.16.1, 10.15.7

Last working with:
BKShort: 2.0.8
Xojo: 2019 R3.1
macOS 10.16.1, 10.15.7

The problem is here:

// Part of the BKS_Shorts.IRenderer interface.
dim iBLeft, iBTop, iBWidth, iBHeight as integer
OutputBounds(oView, oText.Bounds, iBLeft, iBTop, iBWidth, iBHeight)
if iBWidth=0 or iBHeight=0 then
end if

dim iFontResult as Integer = m_oPDF.SetFont(sTextFont, iTextStyle, dTextSize, true, m_oPDF.kcpUnicode)
if iFontResult < 0 then
// Font not found or other error
System.DebugLog("DynaPDF Font Error Code: " + str(iFontResult))
call m_oPDF.SetFont(“Arial Unicode MS”, iTextStyle, dTextSize, true, m_oPDF.kcpUnicode)
end if

call m_oPDF.SetTextRect(iBLeft, iBTop, iBWidth, iBHeight)
call m_oPDF.WriteFText(iTextAlign, oText.Text) // This is the error line !!

BKeeney Shorts is now property of Varcess. https://www.bkeeneybriefs.com/2020/11/bkeeney-shorts-has-a-new-home-at-varcess/

Yes, I know.
I think it could by a DynaPDF problem.

Well, if it reports cancelled, that means text didn’t fit the box.
You could try to add something like +5 to the iBWidth and iBHeight when passing to text rectangle.

If I use my old compiled application form September 2019, this problem doesn’t exists. But when I open the source code of this app in Xojo 2020 and run it in debug mode, the error exists.

If I use the DynaPDF example “text formatting Unicode” and set the text box like this, the text box is smaller than the text and there is no error and the text are automatically truncated.

call pdf.Append

r.ColCount = 3 // Set the number of columns
r.Column = 0 // Current column
r.Distance = 10.0 // Distance between two columns
r.PosX = 50.0
r.PosY = 50.0
r.Height = 12.0 //gpdf.GetPageHeight - 100.0
r.Width = 50.0 //

And change the text to:
call pdf.WriteFText(pdf.ktaLeft, “WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ###########”) // fText) // Now we can print the text

I got this PDF file without any error:

You got the PageBreak even implemented?

Yes, there is a Event Handler. If it has this settings, I got the Error 116 when writing PDF file.

When I return nothing or any other integer value greater than -1, I got no error 116 when writing PDF file. But the output is not good.

The is the output from a PDF file in the old application from 2019.

With these releases the PDF output is correct.
Xojo 2019.R3.1
BKeenyShorts 2.0.8 and 2.0.9