Bit by 2019 r2

Was doing some work with the members of my team. We had some very minor work being done by someone. Simply laying out Labels and fields on the container control.

We are using 2019 R 1.1. Trying to open up this most simple project in 2019r2 Results in a dialog that says “This project requires a newer version of Xojo…”

I understand backwards compatibilityIs not guaranteed. But this is an extremely minor project That literally contains one Webstyle And one container control. The container control tank contains two labels and two fields And the three checkboxes.

We cannot move forward in 2019 r2 As we don’t know when it is going to break our hundreds of thousands of lines of code. Our greatest fear is that we do many hours of work and then finally tripped on something that does not work in 2019r2. And then we have to turn around and go back to 2019 R 1.1. Only defined that we cannot open the project anymore in 2019 R 1.1.

I would, personally (and I have), wait for another release or two. I’ve spoken to Geoff twice about these sorts of issues, and am confident that things will improve. I would start the project in 2019R1.1 and move over after things are a bit more solid in this regard for API 2.0. That does leave you writing API 1.0 code for now, but API 1.0 should continue to exist for years to come, so you can swap this out as needed in the future.

If you feel you may, for any reason, need to work in an older version of Xojo, create the project in 2019R1.1 for now. Even if you plan to do the actual development in 2019R2+.

The only way you can prevent a goof such as opening in 2019R2 and saving, just remove 2019R2 from the work machines. As it stands, it is far too dangerous.

Up until now, RealBasic and Xojo used to warn about opening a project with a more recent version, but it was still possible. This impossibility to go back is an unnecessary cruel punishment. Especially for web, which has absolutely not changed…

FWIW, I’m in the same boat. We need to test in 2019r2, but can’t risk munging the project for 2019r1.1. As Anthony recommended, we are waiting.

Are you sure you don’t have this the other way around? Saving a project in a NEWER version and then opening it in an OLDER version would present such a dialog. I’ve never seen it happen in the opposite direction.

PRoject with PictureSets cannot be opened with a prior version (a version who do not know what ImageSets are).

In the case above, remove the ImageSet(s) and save the project, then you will be able to open it in the older project.

I know nothing about 2019r2 (except I trashed it because of the wrong Folder Icon and…).

I have… quite a lot lately (R1.1) I don’t know exactly the cause… but it seems if you add certain items to your project it causes that dialog to appear… even if the current version you are using has never changed.

This was stated during the betas that doing ANY work in 2019r2 and saving would render the project unusable in 2019r1.1
Its a one way process to move to 2019r2 unless you use version control and just revert any work done in 2019r2 IF you need to go back to 2019r1.1

No fun

Correct me if I am wrong, but, I understood that Jay:

  1. Made a small app in 2019r1.1
  2. saved
  3. OPENED it in 2019r2.x AND the system immediately said “This project requires a newer version of Xojo”

Jay, is it possible you opened your project with a r2.1 beta and saved it then went back to r2? That would cause the dialog to appear.

That’s interesting. If you find a way to reproduce it, let us know.

Super easy

  1. Create a project in 2019r1.1… and save it (it can be blank)
  2. Add an ImageSet
  3. Save it again

I guess technically the message is valid… since ImageSets are “new”, but it is misleading in the way its worded, causing for some, undue panic


<RBProject version="2019r1.1" FormatVersion="2" MinIDEVersion="20070100">


<RBProject version="2019r1.1" FormatVersion="2" MinIDEVersion="20150400">

perhaps the message should only have appeared if


didn’t match “version”

To be clear. I usually am late to the Beta party. With all the noise this time we decided to not even try the beta.

My original post should have read:

We are using 2019 R 1.1. Trying to open up this most simple project in from 2019r2 Results in a dialog that says…

It is not apparent to me how to edit the original post. (Oddly I can edit post) but not he one that stared the thread)

But the problem remains. If I start down the r2 path and say 100 hours of work later I have to back up…It is unacceptably painful.

Now, that makes much more sense :wink:

There has always been such a message saying the project has been saved in a future version, and that that might lead to…
But now there is another one: “This project requires a newer version of Xojo…” (and it doesn’t even allow you open it in <2019r2).

This is going to happen if you:

  • create a new project in 2019r2
  • use “save as” in 2019r2 (this will silently “update” any project to be 2019r2+ only) <>

So… if you don’t mind the 1st message, then you can:

  • create/save a project in 2019r1.1
  • open it in 2019r2
  • even save in 2019r2 (but again: no “save as”!)
  • open it again in 2019r1.1 (with that warning of it being saved in a future version)

But yes… Users will try a new release, edit/try some things and use “save as” to make a “backup / test copy”. And that’s what you get: you can no longer open that in earlier versions. That’s “by (Xojo’s) design” :frowning:

But be aware… while it “should work”, there are quite some known issues/bugs. Saving in 2019r2 might make your project in 2019r1.1 behave differently. <>
Adding anything new in 2019r2 will likely just save the “new property names”, so it won’t work as expected in 2019r1.1
So I just can support Anthony’s advice: as long as you need to continue using your code in <2019r2, you better don’t save it in 2019r2. Use it as a “play-with-API2-environment” or as a “build only release”.

Or look at the PreRelease discussions for what an upcoming (dot?) release might bring, so that this all works out eventually.

[quote=461900:@Dave S]Super easy

  1. Create a project in 2019r1.1… and save it (it can be blank)
  2. Add an ImageSet
  3. Save it again

I guess technically the message is valid… since ImageSets are “new”, but it is misleading in the way its worded, causing for some, undue panic[/quote]

Ah, well that IS by design. That’s not the dialog I was thinking of. That one is just telling you that you are adding something that will make your project no longer backwards compatible.

missing the point once again… I’ve given up… have a nice day

@Jürg Otter I understand the work around. Unfortunately this thread is about working around a problem that I shouldn’t have in the first place.

That’s all I and other users can do (for now).

For that I’m the wrong person - Xojo might listen, but without that’s about it :wink:
I’ve put in quite some Reports addressing things like that - just without luck or results (so far).
So in that sense it can’t hurt that you’ve started this Thread. Thank you for that.