Big Sur changes

Don’t worry; there is plenty I dislike about Big Sur too.

  • Alerts designed for an iPhone 5.
  • Alerts and Sheets draw in the same location, but use different controls.
  • Unreadable menubar on some backgrounds.
  • Toolbars are confusing and messy (like where on the window do I click to move the window?).
  • SegmentedControls.
  • Dock icons are now indistinguishable by shape, and rely so much more on color.
  • Single color sidebar icons take more through to distinguish.
  • Default buttons are different colors in different applications.
  • Some buttons, you simply don’t know if they’re enabled or not and with the new “show no progress” mentality, you don’t know if you’re clicking on a disabled button, or it’s doing something?
  • New Toolbar control style is limited to the toolbar only, so creating partial toolbars (because it’s much harder to do it correctly in Xojo) seems like it might be impossible, although I do have a few more tricks up my sleeve to try.