Bevel Button Error

I am trying to build a project that I have compiled before, but now in Win 10. I am getting the following error message:

Runtime Error
Press OK to Continue
Press Cancel to Quit.

Please report what caused this error
along with the information below.

Failure Condition: pluginEntryTable.GetEntry( entrypointName, out)
can’t find plugin method BevelButton.DeleteAllRows

I replaced all of the Bevel Buttons in the App and this didn’t help. I can run in the IDE but when I build the App and then try to run it I get that error.

Did you copy the libs folder with the app?
Sounds like it cant find the libs folder locally.

Older Xojo apps will be looking for a folder called Libs
More recent will be looking for MyAppName Libs

If you rename the app, you need to rename the Libs folder too

This is not going to help.
If I rename the app and rename the Libs folder too I am getting the following error message:
“Failed to locate Framework DLL”

This problem occurred also with Xojo 2016 Release 2.1 and I think it is an error of Xojo.

[quote=282412:@Jürgen Czischke]This is not going to help.
If I rename the app and rename the Libs folder too I am getting the following error message:
“Failed to locate Framework DLL”

This problem occurred also with Xojo 2016 Release 2.1 and I think it is an error of Xojo.[/quote]

Before you renamed things, did it work ?

Yes it works before renaming. ;-)))

Then, how did you rename, and what ?

Could you give a precise description ?

See Feedback case 44975

Just enter a new executable name in build settings and build again.

at least 2 options

  1. rename the libs folder to “Libs” and it will work
  2. rebuild with the right name

This is a good idea, Michael! ;-))
But it is no solution.
The App Name was changed by the users!

Thank you Norman!
I renamed the Libs-folder to “Libs” and it does not work (NilObjectException)
I renamed the Resources Folder to “Resources” and it works
It also works if I rename the Resources Folder with “newAppname Resources”.

But why are folders not immediately named as “Libs” and “Resources” by Xojo?

So you can have multiple projects in the same folder built with different versions of Xojo. If Xojo used the generic names, each project would interfere with the others.

I think it is no problem if you use builds folder.
But now I know the solution and I can build a Setup with working names.