What is the best way to parse a string of bytes, that do not have a delimiter? What I have is a string of bytes received by the Serial Port that I need to decode. There are anywhere from 10 to 255 bytes in a string.
Each char is a byte of data. Some are printable like ‘<’ some contain non-printable characters wherein each bit is meaningful.
I am using the Mid function now to put into an array. But for some reason, I thought that there was/is a better way that you have mentioned in another post. Unfortunately I cannot recall what year or the name given to the technique/method/function you suggested another.
Using split without a delimiter will parse on a byte by byte (or char by char) basis? Is this by design or bug? I did not see this in the docs so it makes me think that maybe it is an “undocumented feature”.
Except use SplitB to work with bytes instead of text. Or, as Jeff said, use a MemoryBlock.
dim mb as MemoryBlock = myData
dim p as Ptr = mb
dim lastBytePos as integer = mb.Size - 1
for bytePos as integer = 0 to lastBytePos
dim b as byte = p.Byte( bytePos )
// do something with b
If you’re looking for speed, that’s probably the fastest way.
If you’re going to be moving sequentially through the string to parse it, consider using a BinaryStream which you can load directly from a string, or a memory block is another good approach. Both allow you to ready a variety of data types directly.
An array of bytes is good if you truly want to access each byte individually, and potentially in a random fashion.
There used to be a bug that this won’t work one some non-English locale systems. I had reports from Japanese users that this failed, years ago. I am sure I reported this as a bug but don’t think it ever got resolved as I checked a while later it was still not addressed.
So be careful with this unless you have confirmation it is fixed.