It looks like Apple doesn’t allow my kind of software, it’s much disappointing.
Their first answer was to refuse my app, because they couldn’t understand its purpose. I was asked to explain the purpose and my target audience, which I did.
Today, I received another refusal:
Guideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality
We found that the usefulness of your app is limited because it seems to be intended for a small, or niche, set of users. Specifically, your app is intended for small event with friends.
So, on one hand, they don’t allow to install apps on devices freely (App Store is needed), and on the other hand, they require apps to be useable more than for a single event! Awful…
They continue with these “suggestions”:
Next Steps
We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features to address the needs and interests of a wider range of users.
(no, I’m discouraged at most)
My sole need was to provide an app for the players of that event to not be lost in the game; that’s the only reason for the app to exist, yet Apple suggests me to design it otherwise
You can use the Ad Hoc distribution method to share your app with your friends and family with registered devices. You can find more information in App Store Connect Developer Help.
Well, the event will run the day after tomorrow. I’ve no time to learn that unnecessary process.
Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the user adds it to their Home screen. Please see Configuring Web Applications for more information.
I’ve explained in my report that there will be no Internet availability.
Do they just not listen to their users?
I guess it’s not worth the time to continue that way, nor to answer further to Apple, but it makes me feeling better to at least report their inexcusable process somewhere and let other users be aware of Apple’s misbehaviour.
Still, I’d welcome further advices, and I thank everyone who tried to help.