Best practice for ending Windows HTMLViewer cefsubproc.exe child processes?

Hello. I am trying to use HTMLViewer in Xojo '22 r3.1 on Windows 10. In my testing it works great, but it seems to leave open one or more cefsubproc.exe (Chromium embedded) child processes even when closing main Xojo-compiled app normally.

I was wondering if best practice is to make my app send cmd a taskkill command to kill off those child processes manually?

Or is there a technical reason for the child processes staying open indefinitely?

I figure I had best clean them up manually at the end with taskkill, but looking to see if anyone else has better thoughts on handling it. Thanks!

This… was supposed to be fixed…

:open_mouth: didn’t know about that. In my instance, I have DesktopHTMLViewer on two different DesktopTabPanel tabs. I don’t think my sub-processes are cranking to 100% CPU use - like in the bug report - but they just don’twnt to end with the parent (Xojo app) process.

I just put a shell execute to kill the child processes, so I’m not too worried about it.

Seems like something is off, though!


What version of Xojo are you using. The bug was supposed to be fixed in 2019r3.

Seems I can’t reproduce the issue reliably so maybe my main process eluded me

What version of Xojo are you using. The bug was supposed to be fixed in 2019r3.

2022 r3.1, but more than likely it is user (my) error :slight_smile: