I saw the following TED presentation https://www.ted.com/talks/thomas_goetz_it_s_time_to_redesign_medical_data . about beautiful reports, and I would like suggestion on how to implement that using XOJO. I have a few ideas I will list below, but I would like to hear other ideas. I don’t want to follow the project and then after long work have another brilliant idea and have to start over.
Templates should be editable
different graphs should be available and inserted in end report: gauges, column, line, area, etc
Rapid application development (use whatever is ready to be used)
Control report printing, like one page printing. Avoid having one report that split in two pages when printing.
Desktop primary.
- Use BKeeney Formatted Text Control (FTC) and Jeremy Leroy Chart View
- HTML (GraffitiHTMLEditor)
- gHTML Editor
- Use Xojo Own reporting
- Use BKeeney Shorts
Do you have another idea? Which one do you think it is best.