bcrypt project

I copied the relevant C code into an Xcode project so I could compare my results. This let me work out the bugs and I could replicate the results, so I’m good to go with encode_base64 and decode_base64. That was a great refresher.

Unfortunately, before I move forward, I find that I must implement Blowfish itself as found in the blf.h header file, and I can’t find the right code. I’ve found implementations of Blowfish, to be sure, and some seem easy to translate to Xojo (especially the ones found here), but I’m not sure if I need the right one.

grab matt neubergs from long ago & update it ?

It looks like a good implementation, even if the code can be modernized a bit. Unfortunately, it uses a different, simpler implementation (by Paul Kocher), not Schneier’s original, and that’s what this bcrypt version is expecting. I might be able to use it anyway, but I don’t understand enough (yet) about what it’s doing to trust that I’d adapt it correctly.

Have you already tested both your Xojo translation and the C version with the same data? Does it give the same result?

If you mean the limited encode/decode_base64, then yes, both give the same results. I have not gone further than that yet, as documented here.

Moving along, can someone explain this to me?

Blowfish_encipher(blf_ctx * c, u_int32_t *x)
	u_int32_t		Xl;
	u_int32_t		Xr;
	Xl = x[0];
	Xr = x[1];

So I get the x is passed as pointer to an UInt32, but what does x[0] and x[1] do? Do they split the value up into two UInt16 values? Because my Xcode tests don’t show that, and I can’t figure out what it’s supposed to mean otherwise.

*x is to an array I’d imagine.

X1 is assigned the first element of the array and Xr the second element.

Oh crap, you’re right, I should have checked other parts of the code where this sub was actually being called. What threw me is, in my test, I gave it a straight UInt32, and it didn’t complain.

It’s C, of course it didn’t. Why should I be surprised? :slight_smile:

And now it’s past time for bed. Thanks.

No worries. Sleep well.

Yes C will give you unrestricted freedom to do whatever you want and won’t think twice about it. It’s rather dangerous code though because I’d imagine if you did give it a normal uint32 then it would go out of bounds and crash because, as far as I can see, there’s no checking to see if the pointer does indeed point to an array before it attempts to access the elements.

A speed optimisation perhaps? I’m not sure. I can’t imagine that a quick sizeof check would slow things too much.

C doesn’t really have any way to check. All it knows is you passed it a number. It assumes that it’s a memory address, but there’s no way to verify that it’s legit.

My next malfunction was that I thought “^” did the same thing in C as in Xojo. Or a million other languages. Silly me.

The Blowfish_encipher method now works. On to the next challenge…

… which was Blowfish_decipher, also working now.

Next up: Sleep. For real. :slight_smile:

You’re correct. For some reason I thought there was a way to do a proper check but it would seem that the best one can do is simply check if it’s pointing to NULL or not.

OK, I’ve got all the relevant code for the blf.c library translated, and the results compare well when I run tests via Xcode.

Now I can continue with the translation of bcrypt, then optimization.

Kem, sounds like you are on a roll here.

Yup, once I got the initial help I needed here. A shame I have “real work” getting in the way. :wink:

I have bcrypt_gensalt working now too. Now I’m starting on bcrypt itself.

Gentlemen, we have bcrypt…

To clarify (since I’m now waiting for the profiler to do its thing), I’ve translated the relevant parts of the blf.c library, then translated the bcrypt code. I ran a single test on a known key with a known salt and got the identical result as the Xcode test I set up using the original code, and using PHP.

But it’s significantly slower than the C version so I’m working on a bit of optimization now.

Well, it may be too slow to be practical, or maybe there are ways to optimize this that I’m just not thinking about at the moment.

The first bit of code that could use some love is this. Anyone see a faster way?

Private Function F(x As UInt32) As UInt32
  dim a, b, c, d As UInt8
  dim y As UInt32
  d = x and &h00FF
  x = Bitwise.ShiftRight( x, 8 )
  c = x and &h00FF
  x = Bitwise.ShiftRight( x, 8 )
  b = x and &h00FF
  x = Bitwise.ShiftRight( x, 8 )
  a = x and &h00FF
  y = S( 0, a ) + S( 1, b )
  y = y Xor S( 2, c )
  y = y + S( 3, d )
  return y
End Function

S( 3, 255 ) is an UInt32 array property.

Here was my solution to that. I’ve managed to cut down processing time from about 4 seconds to a little over two. So far.

Private Function F(x As UInt32) As UInt32
  dim a, b, c, d As Integer
  dim y As UInt32
  static mb as new MemoryBlock( 4 )
  static p as Ptr = mb
  p.UInt32( 0 ) = x // LittleEndian = True
  a = p.Byte( 3 )
  b = p.Byte( 2 )
  c = p.Byte( 1 )
  d = p.Byte( 0 )
  y = S( 0, a ) + S( 1, b )
  y = y Xor S( 2, c )
  y = y + S( 3, d )
  return y
End Function