So one of my projects is getting bigger and I’ve just started to use Tabs (gasp) It took you this long? Yeah yeah
10 seconds into using Tab for the first time and I’ve come up against a little issue.
I use CTRL double click on things quite a lot to Go To code and the Back / Forward buttons to get back where I jumped from/to etc.
I’ve noticed when using the Go To’s it’ll take me to a new tab that I set up for that bit of code but when I hit Back it doesn’t take me where I just came from.
Am I doing something wrong?
Back and Forward are tab specific.
Wow. The second it takes you to another Tab you lose the ability to return where you came from? Madness.
Ah well, never using Tabs again.
I guess its time to play around with “New Workspace”
Thanks for the quick response Greg.
[quote=410944:@]Wow. The second it takes you to another Tab you lose the ability to return where you came from? Madness.
Ah well, never using Tabs again.
I guess its time to play around with “New Workspace”
Thanks for the quick response Greg.[/quote]
We tried with a cross tab history and it was confusing to the point of being useless. It has to do with the ability of a tab to switch from one object to another.
I suggest spending some time with it before giving up though. It Isnt as bad as it sounds.
Am I right in assuming that it doesn’t switch objects if you lock the tab though?
If I’m in a piece of code and I Go To another place, I then have to spend time navigating back either through the tabs or the navigator. This means that having the tab there doesn’t actually save me any time over having no additional tabs because I can just use Go To and the Back/Forward to get back where I came from with a single tab?