Avoid cgi path

How you can avoid the route cgi-bin or www.midominio.com/miaplicacion.cgi?

change the name ‘miaplicacion.cgi’ into ‘index.cgi’.
If you then enter in the browser adressbar www.midominio.com the index.cgi file will be executed.

See http://webmaster.iu.edu/tools-and-guides/maintenance/redirect-meta-refresh.phtml to build an index.html page that redirects to your cgi if it is in cgi-bin, unless it is in the root directory, where renaming it index.cgi will suffice.

They have not understood, I want to avoid this www.mypage.com/cgi and become pregnant as well www.mypage.com

Become pregnant ? You mean you want it to show instead of the cgi ? Put your app in an iFrame, then.

not, for example, www.myapplication.com/index.cgi/content.
www.myapplication.com/content want to replace it.
I know it can be done but do not know how to do it
Please help Google Translate improve quality for your language here.
sorry for my bad English

Juan Carlos,

This page may provide you some ideas: http://www.willmaster.com/library/web-development/url-masking.php

Do not I get you to understand, I’ll close the post

You want people to go to www.myapp.com instead of seeing www.myapp.com/something.cgi
Correct ?
That requires one of the techniques mentioned on the page Robert Boice pointed to

Porque no preguntar en el canal Espanol en su idioma ?

Here is an HTML page source you name index.html and upload in www.mysite.com (whatever your site is named). The real URL is right after <iframe id="tree" name="tree" src=". Here, I entered my own site http://matchfonts.com, that is where you place the real URL of your app.

All the user will see is www.mysite.com


Full Page IFrame html {overflow: auto;} html, body, div, iframe {margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100%; border: none;} iframe {display: block; width: 100%; border: none; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;} [/code]

Ponga el titulo de la pagina en <title>Full Page IFrame</title>
Ponga la URL de su applicacion en src="http://matchfonts.com"
Salva esto como index.html y cargar en el directorio raz del sitio

porque en espaol me dicen que pregunte en ingles

Tienes la solucion ahora.

no lo que mencionan es enmascararlas pero en cualquier analizador sale las solicitudes http la ruta real, yo lo que quiero es literalmente quitarlas como hace php con nginx

Sorry, I provided a working solution with HTML and http. If you want something else, I cannot help. Good luck.

I don’t know how it is done on nginx but on Apache I just set the default file name via the DirectoryIndex configuration parameter to the name of the CGI that I want to have as default.