Autocomplete - sometimes works

In the last some days I have often autocomplete that doesn’t work.

Here ist some code that compiles. You can see in the Video, that autosomplete works in one line, and in the next, for the same object, it doesn’t.



And 10 Lines along it works again…

I believe it is stumbling because you have used the same variable name in each block. Remember, Autocomplete doesn’t get help from the compiler in Xojo, and within a method it relies on parsing the code lines above it.

It looks like a bug if a similar line above works ok, are you able to replicate this in a super small example and upload the binary project to the issue system?

My guess is that on the second line there is no space after what you are looking for. You look for a word that ends in “/”, in fact it’s for divide. When such a situation occurs, first add some spaces at the end and then start adding letters.

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I gave up Xojo autocomplete in the middle of expressions long time ago. I usually split things with an ENTER, back, autocomplete and DEL to rejoin the expression.