Can anyone shed light on this error for me?
“Authentication plugin ‘mysql_old_password’ cannot be loaded”
mDb = New MySQLCommunityServer
mDb.Port = 3306
mDb.Host = "*********"
mDb.UserName = "********"
mDb.Password = "********"
mDb.DatabaseName = "********"
If mDb.Connect Then
mIsConnected = True
ConnectStatusLabel.Text = "Connected to MySQL"
mIsConnected = False
ConnectStatusLabel.Text = "Error connecting to MySQL: " + mDb.ErrorMessage
End If
It fails(ie. else route) with the message above.
I have a web app that needs to connect to a remote server but I keep getting this error. I cannot find any help around it in the manual and I get the error whether I use the example or using my own connection placed in a module.