Audio code from A.I

A while back I tried out one of those “Chat A.I.” things and out and out of curiosity and for fun I asked it something along the lines of write audio code or audio manipulation or something like that in Xojo.

Anyway the following is what it gave me however it gives me an error -
“Declares directly into the runtime via Lib “” are no longer allowed
Soft Declare Sub InputCallback Lib “” (userData As Ptr, inAQ As Ptr, inBuffer As Ptr, inStartTime As Ptr, inNumberPacketDescriptions As UInt32, inPacketDescs As Ptr)”

This is bit out of my area of knowledge also I’m not sure if this code really does anything.
If not no big deal, this was just for fun and see what “AI” could do.

Even if if does do something not quite sure how to use it.

Though I would share this.


// Declare the AudioQueueNewInput function from the Audio Toolbox framework
Declare Function AudioQueueNewInput Lib "AudioToolbox" (inFormat As Ptr, callback As Ptr, userData As Ptr, runLoop As Ptr, runLoopMode As CFStringRef, flags As UInt32, ByRef outAQ As Ptr) As Integer

// Declare the AudioQueueAllocateBuffer function from the Audio Toolbox framework
Declare Function AudioQueueAllocateBuffer Lib "AudioToolbox" (inAQ As Ptr, inBufferByteSize As UInt32, ByRef outBuffer As Ptr) As Integer

// Declare the AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer function from the Audio Toolbox framework
Declare Function AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer Lib "AudioToolbox" (inAQ As Ptr, inBuffer As Ptr, inNumPacketDescs As UInt32, inPacketDescs As Ptr) As Integer

// Declare the AudioQueueStart function from the Audio Toolbox framework
Declare Function AudioQueueStart Lib "AudioToolbox" (inAQ As Ptr, inStartTime As Ptr) As Integer

///Define a callback function to handle incoming audio data
Soft Declare Sub InputCallback Lib "" (userData As Ptr, inAQ As Ptr, inBuffer As Ptr, inStartTime As Ptr, inNumberPacketDescriptions As UInt32, inPacketDescs As Ptr)

Var format As New MemoryBlock(64)
format.UInt32Value(0) = 1819304813 // kAudioFormatLinearPCM
format.UInt32Value(4) = 44100 // Sample rate
format.UInt32Value(8) = 2 // Channels per frame
format.UInt32Value(12) = 2 // Bytes per frame
format.UInt32Value(16) = 2 // Bytes per packet
format.UInt32Value(20) = 1 // Frames per packet
format.UInt32Value(24) = 12 // Bits per channel
format.UInt32Value(28) = 0 // Format flags (signed integer)

// Create a new audio queue for input
Var queue As Ptr
Call AudioQueueNewInput(format, AddressOf InputCallback, Nil, Nil, Nil, 0, queue)

// Allocate a buffer for the audio queue
Var buffer As Ptr
Call AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(queue, 4096, buffer)

// Enqueue the buffer to receive audio data
Call AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(queue, buffer, 0, Nil)

// Start the audio queue to begin receiving audio data
Call AudioQueueStart(queue, Nil)

Sub InputCallback(userData As Ptr, inAQ As Ptr, inBuffer As Ptr, inStartTime As Ptr, inNumberPacketDescriptions As UInt32, inPacketDescs As Ptr)
  // Get the audio data from the buffer
  Var data() As Int16 = Int16(inBuffer)
  // Perform an FFT on the audio data to get the frequency spectrum
  // Enqueue the buffer again to receive more audio data
  Call AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAQ, inBuffer, 0, Nil)
End Sub