Please join us for this Xojo monthly meeting! We promise that youll learn something new at each meeting!
Who: Everyone interested in developing in Xojo!
What: Monthly Meeting
Where: Las Palmas Mexian Restaurant , 2210 Holly Springs Pkwy, Holly Springs, GA :: 770-720-0062
When: Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 6pm to 9pm
[b]Well be holding a general Xojo discussion at this meeting. Are you doing something interesting with Xojo? Bring some screen shots. Have questions or issues about Xojo? Our small community will give you some ideas to try out to find your solution.
Of course well have all of the latest Xojo news, announcements, and events.[/b]
[quote=315212:@Christian Schmitz]Maybe it would help if Kevin sets up a mailing list for this?
Or a little database where he can send out reminders?
For a good regular meeting group, you can easily need 100 people on the list to actually have 10 show up.[/quote]
Kevin does have a list that he mails. Not sure if @Richard Gorbutt is on it or not. @Kevin Cully posts on twitter, here on the forums, and sends that email blast out.