Atl Xojo Users Group - Mon, July 13th, 2015

Hello Xojo enthusiasts!

Please join us for this Xojo monthly meeting! We promise that you’ll learn something new at each meeting!

Who: Everyone interested in developing in Xojo!
What: Monthly Meeting
Where: NEW Location! Las Palmas Mexian Restaurant , 2210 Holly Springs Pkwy, Holly Springs, GA :: 770-720-0062
When: Monday, July 13th, 2015 – 6pm to 9pm
Kevin Cully, of Cully Technologies, is making our May presentation on “Building Xojo Console Applications”. Console applications are an often overlooked powerhouse feature of Xojo. They’re great for scheduled tasks, taking advantage of the multiple CPUs in your PC, and can really compliment a desktop or web application.

We’ve got the latest Xojo news, reviews and announcements.

I hope to see you there!

@Kevin Cully I have a console app that is near production ready that I can demo if we have time. it isn’t sexy or anything but shows the potential power of console apps.

Reminder about the meeting tonight! If you’re in the area, stop on by.