I’m working on a Mac/Windows cross-platform app for my work. The main window contains a tabPanel control. I have noticed that assigning the Value property of this control DOES fire the ‘Change’ event in Windows, but DOES NOT fire the ‘Change’ event in OS-X. Am I missing something here?
As a related question, is there a way to reliably trap the tabPanel ‘Change’ event such that a user can be prevented from moving to a different tab? For example, the following ‘tabPanel.Change’ event snippet runs perfectly well in OS-X, but fails by recursive stack overflow in Windows. In this snippet, the [Accept] Bevel Button being Enabled indicates that user edits remain uncommitted, and the user must either accept or apply their edits:
If (BBApply.Enabled) Then
Me.Value = userTabValue '<--- This works in OS-X, but stack overflows in Windows
Message( &cFF0000, "You must first either Cancel or Apply the changes made in this panel!" )
End If