ARM64 - it's time!

Emile :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oops… my mistake

Its all good
I get caught by autocorrect all the time and silly things like this happen
I’m sure others do as well
I frequently get called “Normal” instead of “Norman” although I like to think I’m both :stuck_out_tongue:


You really want to be normal?

Show some ambition, Man - be a Norman!



No problem.

For the link: it goes fine.

Nota: I am not fan of video training.

I was a marketing guy in a previous life :wink:

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Hi Gavin,
As a VERY newbie to Xojo, I’m trying to click/support this showrepport 42794 for Arm64 …but somehow it doesnt not open any page. Is the Topic outdaed or closed.
BTW do you know if a linux Xojo made Desktop App would yet work on any 32/64 ARM CPU yet ?

Hi and welcome to Xojo. The link is to a Feedback case - Feedback is an app that you can download from Xojo: Downloads. It’s not outdated or closed, very much ongoing :slight_smile:

And yes, Xojo compiles just fine for Linux on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel, plus ARM 32-bit (including the Raspberry Pi). The Feedback case is about completing that picture, with 64-bit ARM builds.

See also the System Requirements at System requirements for current version — Xojo documentation


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Hi Gavin,
Thanks for the reply… I ve been trying to install feeback but I get an error msg before it ends …so, no luck. (is this a conspiration against Linux users :rofl:)
I ve posted the problem here : error installing Xojo 2019r1.1 in Ubuntu 19.04
Anyway, thanks for the info… Hope an ARM64 will solve this issue too.


Now joint-second in Feedback. Feels like it’s time!


I installed Ubuntu as 64-bit ARM version on a SD card for my Raspberry Pi 4 and it works well.
And I can build my plugins there without problems.


The new pi-400 is a game changer and offers huge opportunity for developers like us - have you seen the state of some Linux programs??? With the march to 64bit ARM architecture increasing in pace, Xojo risk leaving that opportunity on the table if they don’t move soon.

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Can compiled programs currently run on Linux 64bit arm? Specifically PI400 with Ubuntu 64bit.
I have just purchased a PI400 and running Ubuntu 64bit and it is really impressive for <$100!!

As a registered and licensed customer running apps and even developing on the PI400 with Ubuntu would be stellar.
We will now start using PI400/Ubuntu for many automation related task in our China production facility but if Xojo apps wont run then we will look for another compiler.


AWS is now offering ARM instances at half the cost of Intel. This makes a lot of sense for workloads that don’t require high performance but must be available 24/7. Many Xojo Web apps will fit this profile. And I reckon AWS are actually making good profit on this because in my reckoning ARM costs 1/4 of Intel when power and cooling costs are taken into account.

We haven’t migrated to ARM yet but would if it were 64 bit, because moving from Intel 64 to ARM 32 is bound to introduce complications… And running a 32 bit compatibility layer is to be avoided in containers because it adds complexity.

The other thing to consider is that full ARM support allows devs to ship IoT appliances. These can have a small configuration touch screen to hook into the users wifi or Ethernet and boom, you have zero-installation solutions that keep on working even when the net is down.

So I will be adding my points too as soon as I get the Mac back off one of my sons :wink:

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I agree, I have a pine phone and would love to write apps for it. All the distro maintainers for purism and pine phone are not adding 32bit/armhf support files to the repositories because well… linux people expect you to “Compile it from source if there’s no 64 bit binary”.


I second Derek, just got a PinePhone recently aswell (Unboxing, Screenshots) and asked myself the same questions if there is Xojo Support? And when I see Apple Silicon or Chromebooks oder even the Pine Book I wonder why this is not considered yet.

I’d renew my Xojo license if ARM64 was included as a compile. Hope my vote helps it make money for Xojo as well as me!


Isn’t the M1 a 64-bit ARM device?

Yes? No?
If Yes, and xoxo works on m1 (a 64 bit Arm platform) Doesn’t that mean it should work on Linux x64 Arm?

Yes the m1 is a 64 bit ARM chip but no that does mean it will work Onan Arm version of Linux.

Apple used the ARM ISA for the m1 but the chip itself is a totally custom design, with extra instructions and built in functions not found on any other ARM chip.

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