Thanks. I knew about the need for pragmas in each method. What I just learned from Kem is that they are pure compile time directives. I should have known.
Now this all makes sense to me. I will have to compile two versions of the methods, and one with pragmas and one without, and select the fast one at run time. That is certainly doable. I do not want these pragmas active during debugging, however.
There is too much code to post all of it, but below is a function that is called a million times or more in a given calculation. You can see it involves lots of math and access to arrays, which is why I wanted to turn off bounds checking, among other things. If you see anything that I can do to speed it up, please let me know. My program spends about 50% of its time in this function.
function two_electron_integral(i0 as integer, j0 as integer, k0 as integer, l0 as integer, w() as double)
// w(1…n2) holds the electron repulsion terms in linear format
dim lid as boolean
dim spcg,wint,atemp,temp,temp1,t0 as double
dim i,j,k,l,kk,itype,id,ii,ia,ib,ja,jb,jj,i1 as integer
dim ix,iy,j1,k1 as integer
dim is1,is0,iz,izn,iminus as integer
static c1(1),c2(1),c3(1),c4(1) as double
if Q_mndo_fast or psdci.Qfast then
#pragma backgroundtasks false
#pragma boundschecking false
#pragma nilobjectchecking false
#pragma stackoverflowchecking false
end if
if ubound(c1)<norbs then
redim c1(norbs)
redim c2(norbs)
redim c3(norbs)
redim c4(norbs)
end if
for i=1 to norbs
spcg = 0.0
kk = 0
for ii = 1 to numat // do ii = 1, numat
ia = nfirst(ii)
ib = nlast(ii)
iminus = ii - 1
for jj = 1 to iminus // do jj = 1, iminus
ja = nfirst(jj)
jb = nlast(jj)
for i = ia to ib
for j = ia to i
for k = ja to jb
for l = ja to k
kk = kk + 1
if (i <> j) then spcg = spcg + wint*(c1(j)*c2(i)*c3(k)*c4(l)+c1(k)*c2(l)*c3(j)*c4(i))
if (k <> l) then spcg = spcg + wint*(c1(i)*c2(j)*c3(l)*c4(k)+c1(l)*c2(k)*c3(i)*c4(j))
if (i <> j) and (k <> l) then spcg = spcg +wint*(c1(j)*c2(i)*c3(l)*c4(k) + c1(l)*c2(k)*c3(j)*c4(i))
atemp = spcg
is1 = 0
for i1 = 1 to numat // do i1 = 1, numat
is1 = is1 + 1
izn = nat(i1)
spcg = spcg + c1(is1)*c2(is1)*c3(is1)*c4(is1)gss(izn)
if (izn >= 3) then
is0 = is1
is1 = is1 + 1
ix = is1
is1 = is1 + 1
iy = is1
is1 = is1 + 1
iz = is1
spcg = spcg + gpp(izn)(c1(ix)*c2(ix)*c3(ix)*c4(ix)+c1(iy)*c2(iy)*c3(iy)*c4(iy)+c1(iz)*c2(iz)*c3(iz)c4(iz))
spcg = spcg + gsp(izn)(c1(is0)*c2(is0)*c3(ix)*c4(ix)+c1(is0)*c2(is0)*c3(iy)*c4(iy)+c1(is0)*c2(is0)*c3(iz)*c4(iz)+c1(ix)*c2(ix)*c3(is0)*c4(is0)+c1(iy)*c2(iy)*c3(is0)*c4(is0)+c1(iz)*c2(iz)*c3(is0)c4(is0))
spcg = spcg + gp2(izn)(c1(ix)*c2(ix)*c3(iy)*c4(iy)+c1(ix)*c2(ix)*c3(iz)*c4(iz)+c1(iy)*c2(iy)*c3(iz)*c4(iz)+c1(iy)*c2(iy)*c3(ix)*c4(ix)+c1(iz)*c2(iz)*c3(ix)*c4(ix)+c1(iz)*c2(iz)*c3(iy)c4(iy))
temp1 = hsp(izn)
for j1 = ix to iz
spcg = spcg + temp1(c1(is0)*c2(j1)*c3(j1)*c4(is0)+c1(is0)*c2(j1)*c3(is0)*c4(j1)+c1(j1)*c2(is0)*c3(is0)*c4(j1)+c1(j1)*c2(is0)*c3(j1)*c4(is0))
temp1 = 0.5 (gpp(izn)-gp2(izn))
for j1 = ix to iz
for k1 = ix to iz
if (j1 <> k1) then spcg = spcg + temp1(c1(j1)*c2(k1)*c3(j1)*c4(k1)+c1(j1)*c2(k1)*c3(k1)*c4(j1))
end if
return spcg
end function