Has anyone already updated the AquaticPrime code from Thomas Tempelmann to 6bit? Declares aren’t really my core competency.
I’ve just updated it. And I did not stop at 6 bits - I did the whole 64 bit!
Get it here: https://github.com/tempelmann/AquaticPrime
(It also contains an updated version of my “TTsSmartPrefs” that should work on 64 bit)
I’ve been exploring the use of AquaticPrime with Fastspring. In section 2.3 of your tutorial you mention that you could expand on that with examples if people were interested. Have you done so (I am interested).
Sorry, no time for that any more. There are quite a few people who’ve used AP with Xojo, though, so you might get help here in the forum.
@Thomas: a big thanks!
@Jonathan Ashwell: What questions do you have regarding Fastspring? You only have to provide them your secret key. Please open a new topic.
I took a look to this Project. Is there any sample project how to use it? Mean how to check at the program start, if there is a license file and if it is valid?
You initialize with the private key and then validate with the license data:
licenseValidator = new AquaticPrime("key")
licenseDict = licenseValidator.DictionaryForLicenseData(LicenseText)
licenseDict then contains the data from the license like user name.
Revisiting this. I can’t get the License Utility to compile for me in the most current version of Xcode. Does anyone have a working version they’d be willing to share?
Or is there a version made with Xojo?
There is a Xojo version. I don’t know where I got this. It doesn’t seem too much work to update this to 64bit. I’ll have a look later today.
Right. Specifically looking for the License Utility. It doesn’t compile in Xcode any more.
Seems like this is an old issue: https://github.com/bdrister/AquaticPrime/issues/5
Id try asking Benjamin Rister which is the current maintainer for the Cocoa version
The problem appears to be Apple deprecated OpenSSL from 10.7
Here its a workaround:
Use homebrew
to install latest OpenSSL. From Terminal:
brew install openssl
Open the AquaticPrime Developer.xcodeproj
and let Xcode to convert it.
Then in Xcode build options add /usr/local/opt/openssl/include
for the include files search paths and /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
for the libraries search path.
Then you should be able to successfully compile with Xcode.
Ups. I forgot to have a look. Here is what I have: http://www.mothsoftware.com/downloads/AquaticPrime.zip. Somewhere the self test is failing.
Here it’s a just compiled 64 bit version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2stz969f6qcfg8g/AquaticPrime%20Developer.zip?dl=0
It require to install OpenSSL via Homebrew as detailed above.
Open SSL was deprecated for a reason
Note that if you compile the License Utility with OpenSSL and Homebrew you will need that version installed for the app to run.
What you really want to do is download the OpenSSL source and build the library yourself, and statically link it in your application.
[quote=385534:@Philippe Casgrain]Note that if you compile the License Utility with OpenSSL and Homebrew you will need that version installed for the app to run.
What you really want to do is download the OpenSSL source and build the library yourself, and statically link it in your application.[/quote]
You right.
I’ve tried to run a Massimo copy and it crash.
Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing
[quote=385538:@luciano monti]You right.
I’ve tried to run a Massimo copy and it crash.
Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing[/quote]
Luciano, I stated it very clearly in my post this is a quick workaround and [quote=385531:@Massimo Valle]It require to install OpenSSL via Homebrew as detailed above.[/quote]